Change logs for mozilla-devscripts source package in Intrepid

  • mozilla-devscripts (0.10) intrepid; urgency=low
      [ Sasa Bodiroza ]
      * Add src/med-xpi-{pack,unpack} scripts to manage packing and unpacking of
        XPI files.
      * Add default build command in src/
      * In README:
        - Document src/med-xpi-{pack,unpack} scripts.
        - Document default build command in part.
      * Add zip to Depends in debian/control, because src/med-xpi-{pack,unpack}
        scripts need it.
      * Add src/med-xpi-{pack,unpack} to debian/mozilla-devscripts.install to
        install them to /usr/bin.
      [ Fabien Tassin ]
      * Change Recommends into Suggests for cvs and mercurial as those are
        not needed to use mozilla-devscripts as a build-dependency.
        - update debian/control
      * [mozclient] fix Mercurial tags not passed during checkout
        - update src/mozclient/lib/MozClient/
      [ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
      * inject awesome-browser branding into firefox source tree by
        adding appropriate MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD to the mozclient configs
        - update src/mozclient/firefox-3.0.conf
        - update src/mozclient/firefox-3.1.conf
        - update src/mozclient/firefox-4.0.conf
     -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Tue, 02 Sep 2008 13:29:40 +0200
  • mozilla-devscripts (0.09) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Move cvs and mercurial from depends to recommends
      * [ mozclient ]
        + Full refactoring of mozclient: It is now written in object-oriented Perl.
          The makefile version was getting difficult to extend and to maintain.
          We now have a base class called MozClient::VCS and a set of VCS classes
          inheriting for it.
        + New features:
          * MOZCLIENT_DYNTAG and MOZCLIENT_DYNTAG_FILES: nspr and nss are now
            using a dynamic tag. They used to fetch HEAD which made them tricky
            to distribute. Now, we take NSPR_CO_TAG and NSS_CO_TAG from
            mozilla/ (fetched from HEAD or from a tag) and we assign
            a version like nss- without trailing cvs date
            (as it's a tagged nss), or nss- when using a tagged
          * add optional MOZCLIENT_SEPARATOR to specify what we want between
            the version and the date/revision tag in the version (default to ~)
          * run an optional package specific clean-up script. It should be called
          * add support for svn
          * add optional MOZCLIENT_TAREXCLUDE to extend the list of dirs/files
            to exclude from packaging
          * change MOZCLIENT_CVS_LOC and MOZCLIENT_HG_LOC into a common
            MOZCLIENT_VCS_LOC and make it mandatory
          * add MOZCLIENT_APPNAME in order for xulrunner applications to specify
            their toplevel directory name. It is set by default to 'mozilla'
          * change version of all hg project to have YYYYMMDDrRRR instead of
            RRR~YYYMMDD which was different from all other VCS
        + New or updated projects:
          * add projects for Prism and Flock using svn
          * add project for Fennec using hg
          * make xulrunner-1.9.1 and xulrunner-2.0 use embedded tarballs
          * disable MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD for xulrunner-1.9.1 and firefox-3.1
            now that upstream made it obsolete
        + Update global clean-up script to remove new .dll/.exe shipped
          by upstream
      * [ compare ]
        + Add build-tree/dist to the list of directories for compare1
        + add support for flock
      * [ xulapp ]
        + Add a rules file for xulrunner applications installing a build
          system from the xulrunner SDK
     -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Sat, 28 Jun 2008 16:41:05 +0200
  • mozilla-devscripts (0.08.1) intrepid; urgency=low
      Release cherry pick from 0.09 release to intrepid
      [ Fabien Tassin ]
      * Move cvs and mercurial from depends to recommends
        - update debian/control
     -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Fri, 30 May 2008 12:33:08 +0200
  • mozilla-devscripts (0.08) intrepid; urgency=low
      [ Alexander Sack ]
      * add .NOTPARALLEL target to make more reliable in parallel
        make runs. We don't want parallel execution within the scope of
        Maybe noteworthy that this doesn't prevent clients to invoke get-orig-source
        with distinct parameters in parallel.
        - update src/
      [ Fabien Tassin ]
      * [ mozclient ]
        + change the mozclient-status target name to list-tags, easier to remember.
          Preserve legacy mozclient-status
          - update src/
          - update README
        + add support for Mercurial (hg) in addition to cvs.
          Add MOZCLIENT_VCS variable (default to cvs). Add mercurial to Depends.
          The preferred way to fetch a particular hg snapshot is to use a revision
          number, it's better than a date.
          - update deban/control
          - update src/
          - update README
        + make the mozclient patch system optional by introducing a new variable
          called MOZCLIENT_WANTPATCH. Set it only for firefox 3.
          - update src/
          - update src/
          - update src/
        + add 4 projects using Mercurial. They need python (>= 2.4) so add
          python | python2.4 to Depends. They also need a post checkout script to
          fetch dependencies (nspr/nss/tamarin) so introduce a new variable called
          MOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD. We now use hgweb instead of bonsai to get revision
          ids and dates.
          - update deban/control
          - add src/
          - add src/
          - add src/
          - add src/
          - update src/Makefile
        + add a variable called DEBIAN_KEEP_VCS to preserve the VCS files such as
          */CVS or .hg
          - update src/
          - update README
        + Add a mozclient-version target producing a VERSION=foo string on stdout
          - update src/
        + Fix nspr and nss conf files to fetch xulrunner version file using
          - update src/
          - update src/
       * [ minefield-packager ]
         + drop dpkg-shlibdeps's stderr messages, add a banner with a license
          - udpate src/
         + change the description in the desktop file to identify more clearly
           that this is an upstream nightly build
          - udpate src/minefield-packager/debian/
         + drop gif/jpg/png from the MimeType field so this minefield does not
           appear in the Open With menu for images
          - udpate src/minefield-packager/debian/
     -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Fri, 30 May 2008 12:33:08 +0200
  • mozilla-devscripts (0.07) hardy; urgency=low
      * [ mozclient ]
        + Fix checkouts by date where the provided date was not
          transformed into a date that cvs could recognize (LP: #215382)
          - update src/
     -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Thu, 10 Apr 2008 23:07:45 +0200