Change logs for python-debian source package in Intrepid

  • python-debian (0.1.11) unstable; urgency=low
      [ James Westby ]
      * Allow urgency=HIGH and other words made of capital letters there, see
        fuse's changelog.
      * Allow any number of spaces before "urgency" in the header line of a
        changelog, see lvm2's changelog in Ubuntu.
      * Overhaul the parsing code to follow that used by,
        making it much more robust.
        - There is now a "strict" option to turn warnings in to errors. It is
          on by default.
      * The file parameter in the changelog can now be a file-like object,
        to save reading a file to a string first. Thanks to Tilman Koschnick.
        (Closes: #487797)
      [ John Wright ]
      * debian/control:
        - Fix a typo in the Description field (Closes: #483688)
      * debian_bundle/ Checksums-Sha1 and Checksums-Sha256 don't have
        section or priority subfields (Closes: #487902)
      [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
      * debian_bundle/ add support for "parsed" dependencies and other
        inter-package relationships. See examples/deb822/depgraph for sample usage
      * examples/deb822/ add new example "depgraph"
      * tests/ add tests for inter-package relationships
      * debian_bundle/ add has_key (same implementation of
        __contains__) to better emulate dictionary containers
      * minor revamp of README pointing to for Packages parsing and
      * debian/control:
        - fix Vcs-* fields to point to the new git repository (bzr is gone)
      * bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0, no changes needed though profit of the
        possibility of wrapping Uploaders in debian/control
      [ Filippo Giunchedi ]
      * Add test case for changes file with checksums (see #487902)
     -- James Westby <email address hidden>   Wed,  20 Aug 2008 09:42:55 +0100
  • python-debian (0.1.10) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian_bundle/, tests/
        - Do not cache _CaseInsensitiveString objects, since it causes case
          preservation issues under certain circumstances (Closes: #473254)
        - Add a test case
      * debian_bundle/
        - Add support for fixed-length subfields in multivalued fields.  I updated
          the Release and PdiffIndex classes to use this.  The default behavior for
          Release is that of apt-ftparchive, just because it's simpler.  Changing
          the behavior to resemble dak requires simply setting the
          size_field_behavior attribute to 'dak'.  (Ideally, deb822 would detect
          which behavior to use if given an actual Release file as input, but this
          is not implemented yet.)  (Closes: #473259)
        - Add support for Checksums-{Sha1,Sha256} multivalued fields in Dsc and
          Changes classes
      * debian/control:
        - "python" --> "Python" in the Description field
        - Change the section to "python"
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  02 May 2008 02:23:39 +0100
  • python-debian (0.1.9) unstable; urgency=low
      * Promote python-apt from Suggests to Recommends. (Closes: #462845)
    python-debian (0.1.8) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Filippo Giunchedi ]
      * Move tests to a separate subdirectory.
      [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
      * Add examples dir for deb822 with a simple example.
      [ Adeodato Simó ]
      * Sync with the latest version from the secure-testing
        repository. Note that this removes support for version comparison without
        apt_pkg. (Our copy was modified in 0.1.2 to *accept* ~ in version strings,
        but comparison without apt_pkg was already broken by then.)
        Also, undo the change introduced for #431087, since we shouldn't be
        keeping incompatible versions of around, plus the
        desired functionality in that bug report is best provided by the deb822
        module. (Closes: #457697, #457854)
      * While rewriting the grep-maintainer example to use deb822.Packages to
        accommodate the above change, make it cope with stanzas without a
        maintainer field as well. (Closes: #457855)
      * Fix dump() method of deb822._multivalued. (Closes: #457929)
      * Small improvements to the exception handling in the grep-maintainer
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes needed).
     -- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden>   Tue,  01 Apr 2008 01:11:02 +0100