Change logs for slrn source package in Intrepid

  • slrn (0.9.9~pre111-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * This packages is based on the svn snapshot from
      * Removed the following patches, they are applied upstream
        + 205_organization.diff            -- pre105
        + 208_slrnrc-conv.diff             -- pre103
        + rm_unused_domain_check.dpatch    -- pre106
      * Updates of debconf translation:
        + Czech, thanks to Miroslav Jezbera. (closes: #485281)
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  23 Jun 2008 13:56:10 +0100
  • slrn (0.9.9~pre102-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Extended dpatch 203_locations.diff to define the marco
        NNTPSERVER_FILE. (closes: #469586)
      * Reset the value of the configuration directory with a make option to
        overwrite the default value of $(sysconfdir)/slrn. This solves also
        the problem that slrnpull search slrnpull.conf in /etc/news/slrn.
        (closes: #480681)
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  16 May 2008 09:49:16 +0100
  • slrn (0.9.9~pre102-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Replaced selfmade hardening support by the package hardening-wrapper.
        This handles all those special cases I don't have done in my selfmade
        version. The hardening-wrapper doesn't use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, but its
        own variables DEB_BUILD_HARDENING*; see man hardening-wrapper. So,
        DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nohardening isn't used. (closes: #478057)
      * Updates of debconf translation:
        + Vietnamese, thanks and a big sorry to Clytie Siddall. I've
          completely missed this bug report. (closes: #461378)
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sat,  03 May 2008 11:20:26 +0100
  • slrn (0.9.9~pre102-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * This packages is based on the svn snapshot from
      * Removed the dpatch add-missing-checks, because is was applied
      * Updates of debconf translations:
        + Danish, thanks to M. P. Rommedahl (closes: #475563)
        + Basque, thanks to Piarres Beobide (closes: #475965)
      * Enabled hardening as suggested in
        As long as DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS doesn't contain "nohardening" the CFLAGS
        -fPIC -fPIE -fstack-protector -Wformat=2 -Wextra -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
        and the LDFLAGS -Wl,-zrelro,-pie are used.
      * Removed the hostname-in-binary check from debian/rules and added a
        dpatch to remove the unused domainname and hostname checks from
        configure. Upstream told in [1] the hostname-in-binary problem #83725
        can't happen with the current code. (closes: #472361)
      * Fixed permission of /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/slrn and …/slrnpull. The scripts
        missed the executable flag.
      * The scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d do no longer run the subjob as a
        background process, because this breaks the quick calling mode of
      * Install the scripts from /etc/ppp/ip-up.d in /etc/network/if-up.d,
        too, and modified them to not run, if the variable MODE contains
        loopback, i.e. don't start, if the loopback device comes up.
      * Dropped the dpatch 209_optic, because it breaks the translation of
        these strings and I don't see what's the intent of this patch.
      * Dropped the dpatch 206_branding, because I don't see what's the value
        of this patch except for fun.
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
    slrn (0.9.9~pre99-1) unstable; urgency=high
      * This packages is based on the svn snapshot from
      * The slrn package shipped the file /etc/default/slrnpull. Now, it
        shipps the file slrn. (closes: #470630) Due to this bug I've raised
        the urgency of this version to high.
      * Raised debhelper compatibility level to V5, because V4 didn't support
        comments in debhelper files.
      * Now, the "make install" call installes all files in debian/tmp and
        the files are installed with dh_install* tools into the packages.
        This way we benefit from fancy things like character encoding
        conversion to UTF-8 by dh_installman.
      * Merged in the Debian changelog entries of version to
        -28 (the package uploaded to unstable). The changes from these
        versions aren't needed, because they are mostly overridden by changes
        done since 0.9.9~pre77-1.
      * Updates of debconf translations:
        + Galician, thanks to Jacobo Tarrio (closes: #414042)
        + Portuguese, thanks to Américo Monteiro (closes: #433397)
        + Russian, thanks to Yuri Kozlov (closes: #471028)
        + French, thanks to Steve Petruzzello (closes: #472598)
        + Finnish, thanks to Esko Arajärvi (closes: #473017)
        + German, thanks to Erik Schanze (closes: #473319)
      * Do not update the config settings in the postinst scripts, if the
        admin removed the config file in /etc/default. (closes: #471864)
      * Added a note about the missing support for /etc/news/server to
        NEWS.Debian. This does not fix #469586, but it should make people
        aware of this problem.
      * Added dpatch add-missing-checks to check for functions, header files
        and types used in the source. This adds IPv6 support, because now the
        necessary functions are detected. (closes: #473214)
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
    slrn (0.9.9~pre97-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * This packages is based on the svn snapshot from
        + 97. src/slrn.c: If SLang_getkey fails, then exit. (closes: #450845)
      * Removed debian/patches/fix-s-lang-spelling.dpatch and
        debian/patches/fix-manpage-hyphen.dpatch; they are applied upstream
      * Added symlink from /u/s/slrn/newsgroups.dsc to /v/l/slrn/newsgroups.dsc,
        because slrn searches there for the newsgroups.dsc file. It's not
        possible to configure a different path for this file.
      * Removed code from postinst and preinst scripts for upgrades from
        version prior to (current version in stable). Upgrades from
        these versions aren't supported.
      * /etc/default/slrn and …/slrnpull are a real conffile, now.
      * Removed automake from the Build-Depends field. It's not used.
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
    slrn (0.9.9~pre77-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * This packages is based on the svn snapshot from
      * Set Jörg Sommer as new maintainer
      * Removed unneded patches: 100_version.diff 200_unneeded-deps.diff
      * Removed rebuild of locale files and removed gettext from
        Build-Depends filed
      * Renamed all slrn related files in debian/ to slrn.$file.
      * Added support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt and nostrip
      * Moved ${misc:Depends} to the Pre-Depends field, because debconf is
        used in the preinst script.
      * Added debian/patches/fix-manpage-hyphen.dpatch to use minus signs
        instead of hyphens in the manpages.
      * Added debian/patched/fix-manpage-s-lang-spelling.dpatch to unify the
        spelling of S‐Lang in the manpage of slrn.
      * Increased Standards-Version to Moved slrn to the menu
      * Removed version informations in Build-Depends field. All packages in
        stable are newer as the requested versions. Removed dpkg-dev from
        Build-Depends field and debianutils from Depends field. Both are
        essential and need no special request.
      * Removed Conflicts/Replaces fields from slrnpull for a nine years old
      * Added Homepage, Vsc-Browser and Vcs-Git fields.
      * Reworked deconf questions:
        + Updated shared/news/server to follow dev-ref.
        + Merged slrnpull/run_manual into slrnpull/run_from.
        + Dropped slrn/lost_slrnpull. It's old and an abuse of debconf.
        + Merged slrn/manual_getdescs into slrn/getdescs.
        + Rephrased slrn/getdescs_now to include no questions in the long
      * Added NEWS file
      * Upload sponsored by Norbert Tretkowski
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
      * Fixed most lintian warnings.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
        + Fixed segmentation fault on some articles. (closes: #385224, #383669)
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * Last version was uploaded as native package by accident.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
    slrn ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream cvs snapshot.
      * Removed some patches which got merged upstream.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  02 May 2008 02:26:00 +0100
  • slrn ( unstable; urgency=high
      * Disabled charset patch from Bas Zoetekouw due to unhandled segfaults.
        (closes: #411667)
    slrn ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Updated the fallback charset patch from Bas Zoetekouw to fix regular
        segfaults when expunging. (closes: #410135)
    slrn ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fixed some lintian warnings:
        + missing-debconf-dependency-for-preinst
        + deprecated-chown-usage
        + syntax-error-in-debian-changelog
    slrn ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Added fallback charset patch from Bas Zoetekouw and documented the new
        feature in NEWS.Debian. (closes: #403781, #406210)
    slrn ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Disabled hostname check to fix build failure on mips and mipsel.
    slrn ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Added NEWS.Debian file which documents the configuration changes
        introduced with the charset patch in the last release. (closes: #403781)
      * Fixed debconf templates. (closes: #388959, #388960)
     -- Michael Bienia <email address hidden>   Wed,  28 Mar 2007 14:22:35 +0100