Change logs for warsow source package in Intrepid

  • warsow (0.42.dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Andres Mejia ]
      * New upstream release. Closes: #461659
      * Remove gnu.txt and license.txt from documentation.
      * Renamed to warsow-get-orig-source.
        + Modified script to make it more maintainable.
      * Use 'exit 1' when exiting from error in warsow and warsow-server script.
      * Rewrote package descriptions.
      * Remove XS- prefix from Vcs entries.
      * Fixed bad Vcs-Svn link.
      * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3.
      * Don't use libcurl{4,3}-openssl-dev in Build-Depends. libcurl gnutls
        packages are enough.
      * Fixed debian/rules to not use '-f' option when removing files.
      * Removed Encoding field from desktop file.
      * Edited English description in desktop and menu file.
      * No longer renaming upstream changelog.
      * Modifying patch for upstream Makefile to show all options used for
        compiling and linking.
      * Add 'nostrip' option.
      * Fix problem with downloading maps. Closes: #458758
        + Thanks Eric DÉCORNOD.
      * Taking out GL and DRI checks from warsow script. Such a check should be
        implemented directly in the game.
        + Closes: #455387
        + Closes: #455388
        + Closes: #454156
      * Added watchfile.
      * Fixed copyright to say who really debianized this package.
      * Added get-orig-source in debian/rules.
      * map_download.diff patch no longer needed.
      * Including TV server binary along with server package.
      * Fixed manual pages.
      * Disable update notifications by default. Closes: #466265
      [ Gonéri Le Bouder ]
      * Update the copyright file
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  04 May 2008 15:03:14 +0100
  • warsow (0.32.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Andres Mejia ]
      * New upstream release. (Closes: 440476)
      * Adding script to download and create orig tarball.
      * Added Homepage field in source stanza that will soon be supported.
      * Updated copyright file to describe what is and isn't included from upstream
      * Documentation from warsow upstream binary tarball will be included in
      * Bumped install files to install from warsow-0.32/* directories.
      * Using libjpeg-dev instead of libjpeg62-dev.
      * Using libsdl-dev instead of libsdl1.2-dev.
      * Using libz-dev instead of zlib1g-dev.
      * Removing libxext-dev and libx11-dev. They are dependencies of
      * Removing battleye patch and fix_off_by_one patch. They are no longer
      * Updated patches.
      * Changed warsow.xpm to more recent icon.
      * Included warsow128x128.png icon.
        + Using sharutils to hold png icon.
        + desktop file will use new icon.
      * Adding a and files for both packages.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  23 Nov 2007 09:32:07 +0000