Change logs for jaula source package in Jammy

  • jaula (1.4.0-6) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      * Provided a manpage to the jparse binary. Consequently:
          - debian/jparse.1: added to provide the manpage.
          - debian/jparse.manpages: added to install the manpage.
          - debian/man/jparse.1.txt: added txt2man source file. (Closes: #578659)
      * Using new DH level format. Consequently:
          - debian/compat: removed.
          - debian/control: changed from 'debhelper' to 'debhelper-compat' in
            Build-Depends field and bumped level to 13.
      * debian/control:
          - Added the Vcs-* fields.
          - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
      * debian/salsa-ci.yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa.
     -- David da Silva Polverari <email address hidden>  Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:28:54 -0500