Change logs for gearhead2 source package in Kinetic

  • gearhead2 (0.701-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Set type as Application (with correct case) in the desktop
        files. (Closes: #960075)
      * Standards-Version 4.5.0 and debhelper compat 13.
      * Replace duplicate data in gearhead2-data with symlinks to
        gearhead-data and add it as a dependency and build dependency.
      * Optimize screen drawing to be by row.
      * Rename gearhead2-sdl's user config file as gearhead2-sdl.conf to avoid
        clashing defaults for arrow keys.
     -- Kari Pahula <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 May 2020 11:50:02 +0300