Change logs for gertty source package in Kinetic

  • gertty (1.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version 1.6.0
      * d/copyright:
        + Update Source location (according OpenDev migration)
      * d/control:
        + wrap-and-sort -f debian/control
        + Update Homepage location (according OpenDev migration)
        + Bump debhelper compatibility to 12
        + Bump to Standards-Version 4.4.0 (no changes needed)
        + Fix alembic B-D, Thx Esa! (Closes: #934313)
      * d/rules: Cleanup rules… and use pybuild
      * d/tests: Introduce basic testing
     -- Sebastien Badia <email address hidden>  Tue, 13 Aug 2019 10:37:47 +0200