Change logs for node-resolve-from source package in Kinetic

  • node-resolve-from (5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ upstream ]
      * new release(s)
      [ Debian Janitor ]
      * use secure copyright file specification URI
      * build-depend on debhelper-compat (not debhelper)
      * set upstream metadata fields:
        Bug-Database Bug-Submit Repository Repository-Browse
      * update Vcs-* headers from URL redirect
      * use canonical URL in Vcs-Git
      * set Multi-Arch: foreign
      [ Jonas Smedegaard ]
      * add myself as uploader
      * add git-buildpackage settings:
        + use pristine-tar
        + use signed tags
        + filter-out any .git* files
        + use DEP-14 git branch names
        + add usage comment
      * update watch file:
        + use file format 4 (not 3)
        + use Github pattern
        + set dversionmangle=auto
        + simplify regular expressions
        + use substitution strings
        + add usage comment
      * stop build-depend on dh-buildinfo
      * embed and install Node.js modules
        callsites import-fresh parent-module;
        provide virtual packages
        node-callsites node-import-fresh node-parent-module;
        build-depend on jq;
        break older node-cosmiconfig (where previously embedded)
      * add patch cherry-picked upstream
        to compensate a test for expanded error message since Node.js 12
      * add patch 2001
        to use Node.js modules mocha chai (not ava)
      * check tests during build and as autopkgtest;
        annotate simple autopkgtest as superficial;
        build-depend on node-execa node-tape
      * stop (build-)depend on nodejs;
        fix have autopkgtest depend on nodejs
      * declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.5.1
      * use debhelper compatibility level 13 (not 9)
      * set Rules-Requires-Root: no
     -- Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>  Fri, 01 Jan 2021 15:59:42 +0100