Change logs for glade-3 source package in Lucid

  • glade-3 ( lucid; urgency=low
      * Reverting to 3.6.x: 3.7.0 can corrupt some .ui file in complex cases
        and GNOME finally choosed 3.6.7 for GNOME 2.30
      * readd 02_spinbutton-adjustment.patch and 03_fix-vbox-orientation.patch,
        revert libgtk2.0-dev dep
     -- Didier Roche <email address hidden>   Thu, 01 Apr 2010 12:28:03 +0200
  • glade-3 (3.7.0-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
      * New upstream release:
        - Fixed loading state of assigned GtkTreeModels of GtkCellRendererCombo
          objects (bug 566928).
        - Fixed crasher while copying internal widgets (bug 595156)
        - Support silent build when using automake >= 1.11 (Javier Jardón)
        - Proper ordering of GtkAdjustment properties in glade files (bug 578484)
        - Refactoring work for GSEAL (Javier Jardón)
        - Avoid collapsing commands when a project is freshly saved (this fixes
          a false "unmodified" state after changing the same property before and
          after project save) (Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita)
        - Allow litteral strings as column type definitions in GtkTreeStores
          (closes bug 597059).
        - Updated Glade GTK+ catalog info to include deprecations, new
          properties and signals since 2.18 and 2.20
        - and some translatable strings (brought to you also in part by Johannes
          H. Jensen for some translatable strings and Javier Jardón for some
          deprecations), some new objects this consequently adds:
          + GtkEntryBuffer
          + GtkSpinner
          + GtkCellRendererSpinner
        - Fixed crasher editing some data types in the liststore data editor
          (bug 608011).
        - Enhanced the GtkEntry editor to allow the user to chose between the
          "text" and the "buffer" exclusively.
      * debian/
        - bump libgtk2.0-dev dep
      * remove debian/patches/02_spinbutton-adjustment.patch: upstreamed
      * remove debian/patches/03_fix-vbox-orientation.patch: taken upstream
     -- Didier Roche <email address hidden>   Tue, 30 Mar 2010 22:03:10 +0200
  • glade-3 (3.6.7-1ubuntu3) lucid; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/03_fix-vbox-orientation.patch:
        - Ignore orientation property for GtkVBoxes (LP: #425221)
     -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden>   Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:17:47 +1100
  • glade-3 (3.6.7-1ubuntu2) lucid; urgency=low
      * rebuild rest of main for armel armv7/thumb2 optimization;
     -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Fri, 05 Mar 2010 04:34:55 +0100
  • glade-3 (3.6.7-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #418019), remaining changes:
        - debian/patches/02_spinbutton-adjustment.patch:
        - debian/rules: Updated to have shlibdeps point to new version as a new
          symbol was added
        - debian/control: Conflict and replace glade-3 and glade-gnome-3
        - debian/watch: Watch for unstable versions
      * debian/patches/02_spinbutton-adjustment.patch:
        - Add patch headers
     -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden>   Mon, 24 Aug 2009 17:27:56 +1000