Change logs for pylirc source package in Lucid

  • pylirc (0.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control 
        - Added myself to uploaders field.
        - Updated to use dh7 (Closes: #547837).
        - Removed python-dev.
        - Changed from python-central to python-support.
        - Removed XB-Python-Version.
        - Added Homepage field.
        - After consulting Arnaud moved package to DMPT for team maintenance.
        - Added DPMT to Uploaders field.
      * Removed debian/python-pylirc.install.
      * Increased debian/compat to 7.
      * Simplified debian/rules.
      * Added debian/preinst.
      * debian/copyright removed (C) and used the word copyright.
      * debian/copyright corrected link location for LGPL-2.
     -- Charlie_Smotherman (porthose) <email address hidden>   Mon,  28 Sep 2009 12:52:41 +0100