Change logs for aide source package in Lunar

  • aide (0.18-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * fix autopkgtest dependencies
      * remove unnecessary autopkgtest for aide-dynamic
      * reword daily cron job to dailyaidecheck
      * remove second set of autopkgtest (was for aide-dynamic)
      * aide.conf: remove accidental leftover
      * README.Debian:
        * improve non-root documentation
        * improve logging documentation
        * improve documentation about daily report mails
        * move documentation from defaults file to README
     -- Marc Haber <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Feb 2023 21:31:45 +0100
  • aide (0.18-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * new upstream release 0.18
        * Support multithreading for hashsum calculation
        * Switch from PCRE to PCRE2 (Closes: #1000018)
        * Remove bashism in
          Thanks to Andrej Shadura (Closes: #998766)
        * 'S' attribute is now deprecated, use 'growing+s' attributes instead
        * '@@ifdef', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if defined' instead
        * '@@ifndef', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if not defined' instead
        * '@@ifhost', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if hostname' instead
        * '@@ifnhost', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if not hostname' instead
        * Add new 'growing' attribute
        * Add new 'compressed' attribute
        * Add new log level 'compare'
        * Replace 'S' attribute in '>' compound group with 'growing+s'
        * Add 'report_format' option (available formats: `plain`, `json`)
        * Add @@if macro
        * Add 'exists' boolean function (Closes: #699422)
        * Add 'config_check_warn_unrestricted_rules' option
        * Support restricted rules with empty restriction
        * Add prefix option to directory include macros
        * Add exit code 22 for memory allocation errors
        * Update e2fs attributes to match upstream
          - the 'h' attribute has been removed
          - use `report_ignore_e2fsattrs=VNIE` to ignore read only attributes
        * Improve logging
        * Improve error messages during config parsing
        * Update documentation
      * integrate experimental changes to unstable
      * update lintian overrides
      * drop aide-xen
      * update README.Debian
      * move bsd-mailix | mailx to Suggests, add s-nail as option
      * aide.conf:
        * update documentation
        * use report_ignore_e2fsattrs=VNIE
        * document default values, keep unchanged options commented
        * remove documentation about logs, it has moved upstream to aide.conf(5)
      * ongoing change processes:
        * use new log handling
        * change variable names to prefix package name
        * undefine variables after use
      * improved and updated rules:
        * 20_aide_run_systemd-journald
        * 31_aide_apache2-fcgid
        * 31_aide_apt
        * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
        * 31_aide_asterisk
        * 31_aide_borgbackup
        * 31_aide_btmp
        * 31_aide_cereal
        * 31_aide_dbus
        * 31_aide_debspawn
        * 31_aide_dev
        * 31_aide_dpkg
        * 31_aide_e2fsprogs
        * 31_aide_etckeeper
        * 31_aide_exim4
        * 31_aide_exim4_logs
        * 31_aide_gnupg
        * 31_aide_grub-efi
        * 31_aide_icinga2
        * 31_aide_inn2
        * 31_aide_irqbalance
        * 31_aide_libvirt
        * 31_aide_lighttpd
        * 31_aide_lvm2
        * 31_aide_man
        * 31_aide_mariadb
        * 31_aide_nginx
        * 31_aide_ntpsec
        * 31_aide_openvpn-server
        * 31_aide_php-fpm
        * 31_aide_postfix
        * 31_aide_postgresql-13
        * 31_aide_redis
        * 31_aide_rsyslog
        * 31_aide_runuser
        * 31_aide_run_systemd_resolve
        * 31_aide_samba
        * 31_aide_screen
        * 31_aide_smokeping
        * 31_aide_spamassassin
        * 31_aide_sudo
        * 31_aide_syslog
        * 31_aide_systemd
        * 31_aide_systemd-journald
        * 31_aide_systemd-resolved
        * 31_aide_systemd-timesyncd
        * 31_aide_udev
        * 31_aide_util-linux
        * 31_aide_uuidd-runtime
        * 31_aide_wtmp
      * update README.Debian:
        * reporting
        * remove paragraph about mmap errors
      * install
     -- Marc Haber <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Feb 2023 06:21:12 +0100
  • aide (0.17.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Anton Shestakov ]
      * escape dot character in 31_aide_ssh-server
      * treat /run/sshd as a directory that's recreated on reboot
      * remove 31_aide_sshd rule (covered by 31_aide_ssh-server)
      * new 31_aide_ufw rule
      * escape dot character in .pid
      * ignore inode of directories in @@{RUN}
      * acpid: separate .pid and .socket, ignore .socket
      * chrony: add .pid, .sock and the two dirs in /run/
      * fail2ban: separate .pid and .sock, ignore .sock
      * fail2ban: add fail2ban.sqlite3 as a VarFile
      [ Marc Haber ]
      * improve 31_aide_locales
      * improve 31_aide_man
      * improve 31_aide_samba
      * improve 31_aide_spamassassin
      * add new 31_aide_postgresql-13
      * improve 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
      * improve 31_aide_cups
      * improve 31_aide_libvirt-bin
      * improve 31_aide_php-fpm
      * improve 31_aide_systemd
      * improve 31_aide_tlp
      * improve 31_aide_udev
      * rename 31_aide_libvirt-bin -> 31_aide_libvirt
      * prepare to introduce systemd timers:
        * move former cron script to /usr/share/aide/bin
        * cron job script now accepts a parameter to know who called it
      * new cron job script
      * more lintian overrides
      * remove Built-Using from binary packages
      * remove redundant Priority fields
     -- Marc Haber <email address hidden>  Thu, 24 Mar 2022 09:54:59 +0100