Change logs for micro-httpd source package in Lunar

  • micro-httpd (20140814-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Non-Maintainer Upload.
      * Fixed "cannot configure the root directory if started by systemd
        instead of inetd" by adding a NEWS item (Closes: #983232).
      * Fixed "systemd install dependency fails if binding to IP other than" by adding FreeBind=true to the socket unit (Closes: #991324).
        Thanks to Ansgar Burchardt for the solution.
      * Fixed "micro-httpd@.service:6: Special user nobody configured, this is
        not safe!" by using the canonical www-data user (Closes: #991884).
      * Ran 'quilt refresh' which defuzzed 30_makefile-strip-fix.dpatch
     -- Martin-Éric Racine <email address hidden>  Thu, 14 Oct 2021 16:02:47 +0300