Change logs for gtk+3.0 source package in Mantic

  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-5ubuntu1) mantic; urgency=medium
      * Resynchronize with Debian, remaining changes:
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols for ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Amin Bandali ]
      * Change packaging branch to debian/latest
      [ Simon McVittie ]
      * d/patches: Update to upstream gtk-3-24 branch commit
        3.24.38-60-gecf3ac115d, excluding Windows- and macOS-specific changes
        - d/p/Use-correct-stat-struct-for-ftw.patch:
          Ensure that consistent types are used when updating icon cache
        - d/p/Make-sure-that-the-charcode-is-signless.patch,
          Fix parsing of non-ASCII CSS on architectures with signed char
        - d/p/This-commit-fixes-a-performance-issue-on-X11-systems-in-r.patch:
          When using X11, improve performance of Inkscape and Totem by removing
          code that was intended to be a fast-path, but in fact became slower
          than the more generic implementation (as used on Wayland) due to
          changes elsewhere in the ecosystem
        - d/p/x11-Trap-XRandr-errors-when-getting-outputs-during-init-a.patch:
          When using X11, catch errors if we are querying Xrandr outputs
          while they are being updated
        - d/p/gtkmountoperation-avoid-SEGV-after-bad-password-input.patch:
          Don't segfault after incorrect password entry when mounting a
        - d/p/popover-Remove-useless-if-case.patch:
          Diagnose NULL parameter to gtk_popover_get_pointing_to() as a
          programming error as intended
        - d/p/Popover-Clarify-guard-out-rect-of-get_pointing_to.patch:
          Initialize result of gtk_popover_get_pointing_to() if it is not
          pointing to anything
        - d/p/gdk-wayland-Create-pad-devices-on-enter.patch,
          When using Wayland, fix detection of graphics tablets
        - d/p/gdkgl-Check-for-GLsync-before-using-it.patch:
          Fix regression in 3.24.37 causing GL initialization to fail with
          OpenGL < 3.2, for example on imx8mq devices such as MNT Reform or
          Librem 5
        - d/p/gdk-wayland-Switch-behavior-of-BTN_STYLUS-STYLUS2-as-midd.patch:
          When using Wayland, report stylus buttons in the same order as in X11,
          so that the same button opens the right-click menu in both windowing
        - d/p/a11y-atspi-Fix-reporting-table-cell-pos-at-index-0-0.patch:
          Fix reporting of top left cell in a table to accessibility tools
        - d/p/GdkWindow-Check-for-offscreen-windows-in-set_transient_fo.patch,
          Fix a crash seen in GIMP when opening the menu of a combo box on
          an offscreen window, and improve positioning of the resulting menu
        - d/p/GtkApplicationImplDBus-Cancel-DBus-method-calls-on-shutdo.patch
          Fix a use-after-free crash during application quit, particularly
          affecting Inkscape command-line export with GLib >= 2.76, by
          cancelling processing of pending D-Bus calls (Closes: #1051220)
        - d/p/Fix-_gtk_get_slowdown.patch:
          Correct declaration of internal _gtk_get_slowdown() to avoid undefined
        - d/p/ScrolledWindow-Frame-on-viewport-is-not-optional.patch,
          Documentation fixes
        - Translation updates: ca, cs, el, en_GB, es, fa, ka, kk, ko, pa,
          ro, sl, sk, tr
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Have -dev package depend on libcloudproviders-dev on Debian
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Build with libcloudproviders (on Debian)
     -- Jeremy Bícha <email address hidden>  Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:05:28 -0400
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-1ubuntu1) mantic; urgency=medium
      * Resynchronize with Debian, remaining changes:
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols for ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.38-1) experimental; urgency=medium
      [ Jeremy Bícha ]
      * New upstream release
      * Drop 3 patches applied in new release
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.37-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * d/p/selection-Use-the-right-mime-type.patch:
        Add patch to fix incorrect MIME type for file transfer portal.
        Regression in 3.24.37, affecting interoperability with other
        implementations like the one requested in QTBUG-91357.
      * d/patches: Update translations from upstream git: gl, he
      * d/copyright: Remove gtk-text-input.xml.
        This file is no longer present in the source package.
      * Remove Lintian overrides for lintian/lintian!452, no longer necessary
     -- Amin Bandali <email address hidden>  Wed, 24 May 2023 07:57:33 -0400
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.37-1ubuntu1) lunar; urgency=medium
      * Resynchronize with Debian, remaining changes:
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols for ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.37-1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release
        - Add support for xdg-desktop-portal file transfer API, allowing
          copy/paste and drag-and-drop of files where one of the apps involved
          is sandboxed by Flatpak, Snap or similar (GNOME/gtk!5554)
        - Fix a regression for startup notifications (GNOME/gtk!5581)
        - Fix potential invalid pointer dereference when checking whether a
          list store iterator is valid
        - Simple input method: Silence a warning from newer GLib by correctly
          returning a value from a task
        - Search engine: Reduce severity of the warning when Tracker
          initialization failed, avoiding crashes when run with
          G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals and without Tracker (GNOME/gtk!5490)
        - Wayland backend: Drop support for an obsolete text input protocol,
          which was only used by GNOME versions prior to Debian 10
        - Broadway backend: Implement modal dialogs, preventing issues
          with focus loss in complex UIs (GNOME/gtk!3990)
        - Tests: Stop using GTestDBus, avoiding test timeouts if a dependency
          leaks a bus connection
        - Windows and macOS fixes not directly relevant to Debian
      * d/patches: Drop patches that were applied upstream
      * d/p/gdk-wayland-save-custom-xdg-activation-startup_id.patch,
        Drop temporary fixes for GNOME/gtk#5386 (see 3.24.36-2, 3.24.35-3
        changelogs). These were rejected upstream, and the change from
        GNOME/gtk!5581 included in 3.24.37 should fix the issue more
      * Upload to experimental for further testing
     -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:33:44 -0500