Change logs for beid source package in Maverick

  • beid (3.5.2.dfsg-10ubuntu2) maverick; urgency=low
      * d/p/0011-Fix-Ubuntu-FTBFS.patch: Fix FTBFS in Ubuntu
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>   Mon, 19 Jul 2010 22:41:06 +0200
  • beid (3.5.2.dfsg-10ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
      * debian/control: Build-dep on default-jdk instead of default-jdk-builddep
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>   Sat, 17 Jul 2010 09:45:34 +0200
  • beid (3.5.2.dfsg-10) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Laurent Bigonville ]
      * debian/patches/0005-Fix-compilation.patch:
        Add missing includes, should fix some FTBFS (Closes: #586673)
      * debian/libbeidlibopensc2-dev.install:
        Do not install files already installed by other packages (Closes: #575196)
      * debian/control: Add Homepage field
      * Move usr/bin/beiddialogsQTsrv in libbeidlib3 package to break circular
        dependency (Closes: #586263)
      * Fix some paths related to (Closes: #587260)
      [ Wouter Verhelst ]
      * Remove references to libbeidpkcs11 from libbeidlib3-dev. These are
        never linked to, anyway.
      * Include the .so symlink rather than the .so.3 one in beid-mozilla-plugin,
        since that's what the register.html file refers to; and SONAMEs aren't
        as important for browser plugins, anyway.
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>   Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:23:03 +0200
  • beid (3.5.2.dfsg-9) unstable; urgency=low
      * Disable parallel build support for now
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  20 Jun 2010 02:59:36 +0100
  • beid (3.5.2.dfsg-8) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Wouter Verhelst ]
      * Clean up .diff.gz; remove a few stray files that don't belong there
        in the first place, and the leftovers of a half-finished
        autotools-based build that I worked on.
      * libbeidlibopensc2.prerm: remove, no longer needed
      [ Philip Richardson ]
      * debian/rules: adding missing files and folders for binaries creation 
      * beidgui: adding missing desktop menu icon (eid35.png)
      * beidgui: photo and background image present 
      * beidgui: correct missing language menu
      * beid-mozilla-plugin: pkcs11 works in x86_64
        (contrib from david carliez in svn upstream r290)
      [ Laurent Bigonville ]
      * debian/control:
        - Add ${misc:Depends} dependency for all package
        - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
        - Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields
        - Add Section in source stanza and remove unneeded one
        - Add myself as Uploaders
        - beid-common package also replaces file from libbeidlibopensc2 (<< 3.5.2)
      * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      * debian/gbp.conf: Add gbp config file
      * debian/rules:
        - Only backup and restore _src/eidmw/jar/beid35libJava.jar
          instead of removing it on clean
        - Do not ignore make distclean errors
        - Really strip rpath from all executables
      * debian/patches/0009-Fix-.desktop-file-syntax.patch:
        Fix .desktop file syntax
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-7) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/rules: define NUMJOBS in all cases
      * debian/rules: remove -j argument to scons; apparently that's buggy
        in the current scons version (sigh)
      * debian/rules: explicitly chmod +x configure, since patch doesn't care for
        permission bits.
      * debian/rules: create the doxygen output directory
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * libbeidlib3-dbg: remove. The upstream build system "helpfully"
        already strips for us. We'll investigate and fix that later, but for
        now, shipping an empty -dbg package is less than useful.
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Make the code compile with g++-4.4. Sigh. It still has plenty of
        warnings; I'm not here to make it pretty, only to make it work.
      * I did not add a section, since I'll likely guess wrong, and
        it's ftp-master's job to place this stuff in a section, anyway.
        That's what Joerg Jaspert told me, too, so there ;-P
      * Target unstable rather than experimental. There were issues in the
        past, but I can't reproduce them now. Presumably something was fishy
        with QT during debconf.
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-4) experimental; urgency=low
      * Build with -sa. Oops.
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-3) experimental; urgency=low
      * Really remove .dll and .exe files, this time. I'd extracted the
        .orig.tar.gz, removed the files from the .orig directory and the
        build directory, and then forgot to remove the .orig.tar.gz --
        resulting in dpkg-source not rebuilding it, since it's already
        there. Oops.
      * Also remove _src/eID-QuickInstaller/ReaderDrivers/, since that
        contains binaries that are not part of this source (they're likely
        still open source; but if they are, their source would be in
        libacr38u's source package rather than here, and I'd rather not have
        to deal with such a mess).
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-2) experimental; urgency=low
      * Remove built .dll and .exe files from the source, to make
        ftp-masters happy. The source of these files is right next to them,
        they can be built from this source, and are provided by upstream
        only as a convenience; but no, we don't really need them and can
        kick them out; and since we 'need' to remove the .PDF anyway, why
        not go all the way. I still think it's silly, but whatever -- and
        yes, that does mean I'll keep removing them in the future, at least
        if they're still in future archives (I might poke upstream not to do
    beid (3.5.2.dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * Fix previous changelog entry to add credit where credit is due for
        fix for 525593. Oops.
      * Override lintian error beid-mozilla-plugin: no-shlibs-control-file
        lintian warning beid-mozilla-plugin:
        package-name-doesnt-match-soname libbeidpkcs11-3. This is not a
        shared library, but instead is a plugin for libbeidlibopensc2 and
        mozilla browsers. It would probably be useful to put this in a
        subdirectory, but that is something which would need quite some work
        and which I would need to discuss with upstream first.
      * Drop beid_middleware_easybuild.pdf from orig.tar.gz. We don't need
        to ship build instructions on how to build software in a way which
        is suboptimal for packaging, and we don't have the 'source' (read: a
        word file or some such) to this document. The worst part of this is
        that the file is in PDF format precisely because the 'source' file
        is in a non-free format, while PDF is _not_ a non-free format. Sigh.
        Oh well.
      * debian/copyright: add copyright statements for the OpenSC parts.
      * Add dh_strip invocation for libbeidlib3/libbeidlib3-dbg too, so that
        the latter isn't empty. Oops.
      * Fix section of libbeid2-dbg to say 'debug' rather than 'debgu'
      * beid-common Replaces: beidgui (<< 3.5.2)
    beid (3.5.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * Major upstream update. Contains the old libraries still, and we do
        still provide them for backwards compatibility, but new applications
        should no longer use them; they will be dropped after squeeze.
      * New package for new libraries: libbeidlib3. Also split off mozilla
        plugin in its own package, and make sure it gets registered upon
        installation. Closes: #380406.
      * Source package rename: belpic->beid. The former name isn't really
        used anymore.
      * Fix scons usage; Closes: 525593. Thanks, Michael Schutte.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2
      * Create a new package 'beid-common' that ships various unversioned
        files for the various libraries, and make those depend on this
        package, as required by policy 3.8 and above.
      * Add support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=n builds.
      * Begun on a rewrite of the build system using automake. Needs to be
        finished, though.
      * The system doesn't currently work 100% correctly on my laptop, but
        there are things that work, and it's useful on a basic level.
        Uploading to experimental, the rest will have to wait 'till later.
    belpic (2.6.0-6) unstable; urgency=high
      * Remove libopenct1-dev builddep, and single leftover linkage to
        libopenct. This code was not actually active anymore since 2.6.0-4,
        but there were some leftovers.
      * Copy reader-pcsc.c over from a more recent version of opensc;
        interfaces have changed since this code was written, and otherwise
        it wouldn't compile anymore.
      * Include fix for CVE-2009-0049: EVP_VerifyFinal() return value is
        not correctly checked. Checked with upstream. Since this is a rather
        important security issue, urgency=high.
    belpic (2.6.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Update build-dependencies to use default-jdk-builddep, rather than
        explicitly depending on kaffe, which may not be available everywhere.
        Thanks, Riku Voipio; Closes: #489075.
      * Create debian/NEWS file to note loss of OpenCT-support in the previous
      * Add "troubleshooting" section to README.Debian
    belpic (2.6.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Acknowledge NMUs (if that even is still necessary). Closes: #471095,
        #454892, #455286, #485556.
      * Fix path to .so file to also include version number in file name, rather
        than expecting the user has the -dev version installed, too, when trying
        to register beid in iceweasel.
      * Fix typos in several Description:s. Closes: #425045.
      * No more OpenCT. I got rid of my OpenCT-reader, and am now using an
        ACR38U cardreader, like the rest of the country. I'm quite sure the
        OpenCT stuff that I added was causing more trouble than it was
    belpic (2.6.0-3.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Correct and improve init.d dependency header (Closes: #471095).
        Patch from Petter Reinholdtsen.
      * Use LSB functions for boot time output (Closes: #454892).  Patch
        from Laurent Bigonville.
    belpic (2.6.0-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Fix g++-4.3 FTBFS thanks to Cyril Brulebois. Closes: #455286.
    belpic (2.6.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Apply patch to fix library usage. Closes: #413666
      * Call dh_installdeb at the right time. Closes: #454589
    belpic (2.6.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Call rstrip() on javaHome variable, so that building eidlibjni doesn't
        break this time around.
    belpic (2.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
      * Removed beid-pkcs11-register.html.orig from the source package (that was
        some leftover cruft, oops)
      * Add '-a' to all appropriate debhelper calls, so that it will in fact act
        on all packages.
      * Fix ordering in debian/rules so that dh_makeshlibs is called _before_
        dh_installdeb (as the latter wants to work on files created by the former)
      * Add stupid LSB init info to beid initscript in beid-tools package. The LSB
        dependency info is horribly broken, but since I don't have a better
        suggestion to make, well.
      * Add lintian overrides for library-related warnings to beidgui package. The
        beidgui package installs the "libbeidgui" library, which is used by the
        beidgui binary only (in a particularly creative form of MVC separation of
        code). Since this library hence doesn't need to interact with other
        software or packages, we don't go through the trouble of playing with
        shlibs and friends for this one library.
      * Update beidgui menu file to be nice to the newer menu policy. Beidgui can
        now be found in Applications/System/Security, rather than the defunct
      * Patched source to no longer use hardcoded paths to config files (in /etc
        or otherwise); instead, use compile-time definitions. This isn't as
        important for us as it is for, say, FreeBSD, but well.
      * Apply patch from Frederik Himpe (sent to me through mandriva) to search
        for .so.X files rather than just plain .so
      * Some more JAVA_HOME massaging so that it works again.
      * Use export on the right variables at the right place.
      * Store 2006 and 2007 certificates in PEM form to debian directory, and
        convert them at build time to their DER equivalents. PEM is ASCII (which
        can go in .diff.gz), DER isn't. This software expects the DER form (at
        least, that's what I think). This way is a hack, but, well, it works.
      * Fix .desktop file.
    belpic (2.5.9-9) unstable; urgency=low
      * Remove erroneous 'Conflicts:', 'Provides:' and 'Replaces:' lines from -dbg
        packages. Copying package stanzas from the -dev package is one thing, but
        I shouldn't forget to remove lines that we don't need.
      * Fix includes in card-belpic.c so that we don't get missing prototypes
        turning void* return values into int return values, since they, well,
        break on 64bit architectures. Closes: #427529.
    belpic (2.5.9-8) unstable; urgency=low
      * Create -dbg packages. Since we want to use the v5 semantics, update
        debhelper compat level to 5.
      * Apply upstream patch to make stuff build again. Closes: #415030
      * Apply patches to compile with GCC 4.3. Closes: #417113
      * Remove hack to build with -j3 on rock, since it is no longer an SMP
      * Build-dep changes: remove libsablevm-native1 and add kaffe-dev, so that
        the build system finds jni.h again. Also, build-dep on debhelper 5 or
        above, for compat level update
      * Modify 'make distclean' call to remove confusing JAVA_HOME messages
    belpic (2.5.9-7) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add README.Debian explaining how to use these packages.
      * Add Recommends: pcscd | openct, since many people seem to miss that
        (and I get a lot of bogus bugreports as a result)
    belpic (2.5.9-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix SConstruct, to fix FTBFS bug found by Lucas Nussbaum.
        Closes: #400171, with thanks to Joost Yervante Damad for coming up
        with a patch while my mail is broken.
      * Removed .svn directory from debian/; it doesn't belong there (Thanks,
    belpic (2.5.9-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Remove wxWidgets2.4-alternatives from build-depends, to avoid issues.
      * Change beidcommon/config.cpp to point to /etc rather than /usr/local/etc.
        Too bad the SCons "prefix" parameter isn't used to specify this... oh
      * Modify SConstruct file to use Debian Policy-compliant CFLAGS
      * Fix initscript (add --oknodo to restart target, so as to not bail out when
        not necessary)
    belpic (2.5.9-3bpo1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Rebuild for
      * Change build-deps slightly to accomodate for differences between Sid and
    belpic (2.5.9-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix Really, this time.
      * Fix /etc/beidgui.conf to point to /usr/share, rather than
        /usr/local/share. Closes: #380145 (and *this* is -4, not yours; you
        should've done a version something like '2.5.9-3dapper1' or so)
      * Fix Belgian_eID_PKCS11_java.cfg to do approximately the same thing.
        Closes: #380405.
    belpic (2.5.9-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Re-add openct cardreader driver, so that my cardreader actually works. The
        previous two uploads were 'tested' as in 'I forgot that I still had
        patched binaries in /usr/local, and they worked. Kinda sorta'. Whoops.
      * Modify src/newpkcs11/config.h to point to /etc/beidbase.conf rather than
    belpic (2.5.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Move stuff in /usr/bin in libbeidlibopensc2 to beid-tools instead,
        and the initscript with it. Closes: #378635. Library packages aren't
        allowed to have stuff in /usr/bin, apparently, and as it happens,
        one of those binaries depends on libbeid2, which makes for circular
        dependencies. Yuck.
      * Add --oknodo to same initscript in the 'stop' action.
      * Add Recommends: beid-tools to libbeidlibopensc2
      * Fix size_t/unsigned int confusion. Closes: #339344.
      * Standards-Version update to 3.7.2 (no relevant changes)
      * Merge double Conflicts: fields into one.
      * Modify beidgui menu file to call "beidgui" instead of the (outdated)
      * Make beidgui postinst call ldconfig, since it installs its own library.
    belpic (2.5.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
        - Fixes issues with firefox. Closes: #343747.
        - Fixes build issues with G++-4.1. Closes: #361396.
      * Upstream renamed all libraries according to my suggestion to avoid
        namespace pollution and to get names which are more similar to eachother
        and a bit more descriptive. This is a good thing, but it forces us to go
        through NEW again. Sigh.
        I chose not to modify the name of the source package, though, since I
        don't think that would be of much benefit. We'll see.
      * Add Conflicts: and Provides: headers to make updating a tad bit easier.
        They won't be preserved forever, though; I'll probably drop them after
        Ubuntu releases somewhere in October.
      * The build system in the current release doesn't support DESTDIR, so do the
        make install phase manually rather than using upstream's build system.
        Ugh. Upstream is aware that we want this, though, so the next version
        should support this again (there was no time left to fix this before
        upstream had to do their release).
      * Remove debian/README.source, since it's now outdated with the new upstream
        build system.
      * Upstream now includes two daemons (one to update the CRL, one to do PC/SC
        stuff), so update our initscript to do both (we ignore the LSB initscript,
        as that is too generic to our taste)
    belpic (2.5.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream (private only) release. Was never uploaded to Debian, on
    belpic (2.40-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
      * Requires some additional build-deps (libqt3-mt-dev and scons), so add
      * This release was never uploaded due to the fact that some files in the
        upstream release were broken (it took us a while to discover that).
    belpic (2.3.13.full-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix all unsigned int/size_t confusion this time, after testing on raptor;
        Closes: #339344.
    belpic (2.3.13.full-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix unsigned int/size_t confusion in eidlib/CertifManager.cpp (Closes:
      * Fix pointer -> unsigned int cast, which doesn't work on 64bit
      * Set -Wall, -g, and (unless DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains noopt) -O2 in CFLAGS
        to comply with policy a bit more, and make sure we can spot more potential
        errors in the build log.
    belpic (2.3.13.full-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fix build system to properly build against the libpcsclitep that we build.
        Since we stop 'detecting' libpcsclitep to do this properly, we can also
        stop building winscarp before everything else. Whee.
      * Install belpcscd into libbelpic0, and make sure it's being ran. According
        to upstream, this is a daemon that will add some nice functionality (some
        concerning single sign-on) if belpic is used through libpcsclitep.
    belpic (2.3.13.full-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Grr, found yet another build-dep. Checked with pbuilder (on my webserver)
        this time.
    belpic (2.3.13.full-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add libsablevm1-dev and libwxgtk2.4-dev build-deps, as suggested by Leo
        Eraly (pbuilder is nice, but not on a 56kbit line). Thanks!
      * Fix the for eidlibjni.
      * Clean up debian/copyright a bit: refer to
        /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1 rather than including it there.
      * Re-apply patch to make sure libbelpic links to correctly
        (rather than going to .libs/libscconf.a manually)
      * Added debian/README.source explaining how pkcs11/belpcscd overwrites
    belpic (2.3.13.full-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Found a license in a _different_ .zip on the same upstream download site,
        with a reference to the "Belgian eID runtime" (i.e., _this_ code),
        claiming it covers that code. Added it to the packages' debian/copyright,
        with explanation. The license for the belpic-specific code is
        special-case, but (in my judgement) passes the DFSG. Whee.
      * Since this clarifies the (previously blurry) licensing situation of
        libeid and the eidviewer, build and include those too, now.
      * This makes for a lot of "new" files in the .orig.tar.gz (those that I
        previously excluded, thinking they had no license). Hence, upstream
        version number is now 2.3.13.full rather than 2.3.13. Broken, broken
      * It also makes for a few new packages: libeid (maybe to be renamed libbeid
        sometime soon to avoid namespace clashing, but I can't do that just yet;
        at least not without upstream's consent) and its -dev package, plus the
        eidviewer (an application to view the data on the card). Enjoy!
      * Redid some of upstream's build scripts to use automake/autoconf/libtool
        rather than some home-brewn semi-makefiles. They're not Great yet, but
        they should work better than Upstream's build system (which mixes .a files
        with -fPIC binaries in the same .so -- no, that will not work!).
    belpic (2.3.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. I'm on crack; this version existed before I
        even uploaded belpic to the Archive. Sue me. Closes: #325735.
      * Edited upstream tarball to remove non-DFSG-free code (the parts for
        which no license has been specified).
      * Ran autoreconf in the source directory. Apparently, this is a CVS
      * Updated link to upstream download site. Apparently, upstream decides
        to make variations on the theme for every new version. *sigh*.
      * Update to policy version 3.6.2. No changes applicable to belpic.
    belpic (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Correct spelling of upstream contact's name in debian/copyright
        (whoops, sorry).
      * Add link to upstream download site to debian/copyright.
      * This release was never uploaded.
    belpic (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Sync package sections in debian/control with override file.
      * Strip the libbelpic0-dev package now, too, as we found why it
        errorred out at first.
      * Remove references to Sarge from control file. We didn't make it into
        Sarge anyway.
      * Apply patch to build cleanly with gcc-4.0 on amd64 (and probably other
        platforms, too). Closes: #314688.
    belpic (1.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Remove temporary insanity and don't try to make libbelpic0-dev depend on
        libopensc1-dev, considering the fact that the corresponding
        to the libscconf.a for which we do this has a different SONAME in
        libbelpic versus libopensc.
    belpic (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial release. Closes: #287317
      * Does not (yet) contain libeid et al, because its license isn't
        clear, the people in charge of that license don't respond to my
        inquiries, and Sarge is about to release. Sigh.
      * Does not (yet) have a proper libbelpic0-dev; stripping libbelpic.a
        results in ugly stuff:
        wouter@country:~/debian/eID/belpic-1.4$ dh_strip -p libbelpic0-dev
        strip: debian/libbelpic0-dev/usr/lib/st86AXON/libscconf.a: Invalid operation
        dh_strip: command returned error code 256
        which we will fix at the proper order, but I want to get the package
        tested on other accounts, first, if at all possible.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Tue,  15 Jun 2010 10:34:49 +0100