Change logs for osm2pgsql source package in Maverick

  • osm2pgsql (0.69+r20104-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Francesco Paolo Lovergine ]
      * Changed debian/rules to autodetect latest svn revision and upstream version. 
      * Now recommends both postgis and last available postgresql-postgis revision.
        (closes: #559604)
      * Fixed previous changelog for repeated logs.
      [ David Paleino ]
      * debian/control:
        - fix Vcs-* fields to point to trunk only.
        - added myself to Uploaders
    osm2pgsql (0.69+r20104-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added 900913.sql, containing EPSG:900913 for postgis, as example. (Andreas)
      * New upstream svn snapshot as taken from upstream svn. Now using svn release
        number instead of date to identify better the relevant snapshot.
      * Patch 01_style_location merged upstream.
      * Added Vcs-* fields to debian/control.
      * Policy bumped to 3.8.4 without changes.
      * Added a new set of examples (gazetteer and other scripts).
     -- Jonathan Riddell <email address hidden>   Wed,  15 Sep 2010 15:25:17 +0000
  • osm2pgsql (0.66.20090526-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
      * Make dependency on postgresql-8.4-postgis.
     -- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden>   Fri, 05 Mar 2010 16:55:52 +0100