Change logs for xserver-xorg-video-nouveau source package in Maverick

  • xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.16+git20100805+b96170a-0ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
      * New upstream snapshot
        - Fixes segfault in DRI2 on Xserver 1.9
        - Fixes assert on Xserver 1.9 startup due to uninitialised scratch pixmaps
      * debian/patches/03_work-around-exa-hangs.patch:
        - Revert a commit which removes a work-around for EXA hangs; we do not yet
          have the associated kernel commit in our tree.
     -- Christopher James Halse Rogers <email address hidden>   Thu, 05 Aug 2010 15:02:37 +1000
  • xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.16+git20100518+4b8f1a0-0ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
      [Christopher James Halse Rogers]
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining Ubuntu changes:
        - debian/patches/02_nouveau_bgnr:
          + Patch from Fedora for a smooth Plymouth->GDM transition.
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - Support for monitor hotplug detection added.
        - Handle starting X with no monitors detected more gracefully (LP: #568079)
      * Package now built against 0.0.16 ABI (LP: #590989)
      * debian/rules:
        - get-orig-source: Upstream version is now 0.0.16
      * debian/control:
        - Ubuntu X Swat is maintainer, not MOTU.
      * Merge in useful changes from Debian experimental:
      [ Sven Joachim ]
      * New upstream snapshot, with uevent support.
        - Add build-dependency on libudev-dev.
      * Add a NEWS.Debian for that problem and update README.Debian.
      * Add myself to Uploaders.
    xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.15+git20100329+7858345-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update xsfbs and use new ${xviddriver:Depends} substvar.
    xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.15+git20100329+7858345-3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Sven Joachim ]
      * Add a README.Debian describing various possible problems.
      * Update xsfbs to 8bd2e9b523da35493db1bd781d4ef6bfbbeb2eff.
      [ Cyril Brulebois ]
      * Merge above changes by Sven, thanks!
      * Mention in README.Debian that nouveau might be preferred above nv in
        the next future if everything goes well.
      * Some cards (nv50) used to need some firmware, but starting with
        linux-image-2.6.32-4-$arch packages built from linux-2.6 2.6.32-11,
        there's no need for any firmware. Since it's a transient matter, only
        mention it in this changelog, and only mention the general case in
      * Given that we've got documentation now, and given we received positive
        feedback through debian-x@, let's be confident and upload this to
        unstable. Many thanks to the early testers!
    xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.15+git20100329+7858345-2) experimental; urgency=low
      * Add a debug package: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-dbg.
    xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.15+git20100329+7858345-1) experimental; urgency=low
      [ Sven Joachim ]
      * New upstream snapshot, compatible with xorg-server 1.7 (Closes: #568168).
      * Ship an upstream changelog generated from "git log".
      * Do not include other generated files in the .orig.tar.gz,
        run autoreconf at build time instead.
      * Update xsfbs to 2a1b4553fc2c5ba982e8bb8be4c504e28ce79ed1.
      * Remove dependency on linux-nouveau-modules, current Debian kernels
        already include a nouveau module.
      * Fold long (Build-)Depends lines in debian/control.
      * Bump Build-dependencies on xserver-xorg-dev and libdrm-dev.
      * Drop conflict with nvidia-glx.  As long as one does not run
        applications that require a library that nvidia-glx diverts, the
        drivers can coexist peacefully.
      * Provide a minimal example xorg.conf.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed.
      [ Cyril Brulebois ]
      * Use build/ instead of obj-$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/.
      * Delete the .la file after make install and use dh_install's
        --fail-missing instead of --list-missing, just to make sure.
      * Pass --warnings=6 to dpkg-shlibdeps because of the plugin status.
      * Add upstream ChangeLog:
         - Remove ChangeLog from .gitignore file.
         - Run “git log > ChangeLog” against the upstream branch to generate
           it, as it's done for other drivers.
      * Use quilt to apply patches, and make clean depend on xsfclean to make
        sure everything gets cleaned up, and patches unapplied.
      * Add patch:
         - 01-set-NV_DRIVER_DATE-from-ChangeLog.diff to make sure to pick
           NV_DRIVER_DATE from the ChangeLog instead of the output of git log.
      * Add myself to Uploaders.
      * Upload to experimental, with many thanks to Sven!
     -- Christopher James Halse Rogers <email address hidden>   Tue, 18 May 2010 18:32:50 +1000
  • xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu5) lucid; urgency=low
      * Add 100_check_fbcon_id.patch: Don't try to copy fbcon contents when
        there's no framebuffer bound.  drmModeGetFB complains loudly when it's
        given an invalid framebuffer id, bail out earlier if that's the case.
        Cherrypick from upstream.
        (LP: #529842)
     -- Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>   Wed, 31 Mar 2010 16:47:39 -0700