Change logs for boa-constructor source package in Natty

  • boa-constructor (0.6.1-10ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low
      * Have package depend on pychecker.  Pychecker was never removed from the
        archives as stated in (lp: #527084).  This will eliminate the delta with
        debian, and the package can be synced next cycle.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>   Thur, 20 Jan 2010 09:57:12 -0500
  • boa-constructor (0.6.1-10ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #594178), remaining changes:
        - debian/control: Removed pychecker from depends. (lp: #527084)
    boa-constructor (0.6.1-10) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/string_exceptions.patch:
        - Do not use string exceptions, not supported by Python 2.6
      * debian/control:
        - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no changes required.
     -- Lorenzo De Liso <email address hidden>   Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:42:29 +0200