Change logs for xchat-gnome source package in Natty

  • xchat-gnome (1:0.26.1+git20101206.557c940-0ubuntu4) natty; urgency=low
      * Fix LP: #767087 - Don't try to create zero-width pixmaps, as this fills
        ~/.xsession-errors up with Gdk-CRITICAL errors
        - add debian/patches/52_no_zero_width_pixmaps.patch
        - update debian/patches/series
     -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden>   Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:54:29 +0100
  • xchat-gnome (1:0.26.1+git20101206.557c940-0ubuntu3) natty; urgency=low
      * debian/
        - Added a suggests for xchat-gnome-indicator
      * debian/xchat-gnome.gconf-defaults
        - Set the default enabled plugins, indicator, netmonitor, and notifyosd
     -- Ken VanDine <email address hidden>   Fri, 11 Feb 2011 10:47:03 -0500
  • xchat-gnome (1:0.26.1+git20101206.557c940-0ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - Build-depend on gnome-common
     -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden>   Wed, 05 Jan 2011 09:45:57 +1100
  • xchat-gnome (1:0.26.1+git20101206.557c940-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - Use standards version 3.9.1
      * debian/source:
        - Use source version 3.0
      * debian/rules:
        - Don't use
      [ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
      * New upstream snapshot from Git: 2010-12-06, rev 557c940.
      * debian/control{,.in}:
        - Drop Build-Depends on libgnome, libgnomeui, since they are no longer
          required by configure.
      * debian/control{,.in}:
        - Add Build-Depends on libsm-dev >= 1.0.0, new dependency introduced in
      * debian/patches/10_obey_nick_suffix.patch:
      * debian/patches/11_topic_return.patch:
      * debian/patches/21_add_gui_info_ptr.patch:
        - Dropped, applied upstream.
      * debian/patches/50_serverlist_update.patch:
        - Dropped, applied upstream. The freenode port changes are split to
      * debian/patches/51_freenode_default_port_8001.patch:
        - Avoid connecting to ports in the 6660-6669 range for Freenode to
          workaround an old DCC exploit.
      * debian/patches/98_autoconf.patch:
        - Not required with dh-autoreconf
      * debian/rules:
        - Run dh_autoreconf to take into account build process changes
          for the various patches (and also because a snapshot from git is not
          configured yet).
      * debian/control{,.in}:
        - Add Build-Depends on dh-autoreconf for the added call to dh_autoreconf.
      * debian/control{,.in}:
        - Change libnotify build-depends to libnotify4-dev (>= 0.7.0) so that the
          notify-osd plugin will build properly (the NOTIFY_CHECK_VERSION macro
          isn't available otherwise).
      * debian/patches/98_ice_depends_for_eggsmclient.patch:
        - Add missing ice dependency for the egg_smclient parts, which will allow
          linking to succeed.
     -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden>   Tue, 04 Jan 2011 18:03:09 +1100
  • xchat-gnome (1:0.26.1-1ubuntu3) maverick; urgency=low
      * Update description (LP: #596022)
     -- <email address hidden> (K. Vishnoo Charan Reddy)   Sun, 25 Jul 2010 14:50:18 +0530