Change logs for wadc source package in Noble

  • wadc (3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Debian Janitor ]
      * Use secure copyright file specification URI.
      * Bump debhelper from deprecated 9 to 12.
      * Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends.
      * Use canonical URL in Vcs-Git.
      * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster:
        + Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on default-jdk-headless and
        + wadc: Drop versioned constraint on default-jre in Depends.
      [ Jonathan Dowland ]
      * New upstream version
        * explicit dependency on libpicocli-java as we rely on the API
          from 4.x onwards
      * Replace glbsp reference in long-description with zdbsp
        * replace default node-builder in properties file with zdbsp
      * Remove git-commit-id-plugin from Maven pom. For the Debian build
        we generate the file using debian/rules instead.
        Adjust the version we generate to indicate the Debian package.
      * Bump standards version
     -- Jonathan Dowland <email address hidden>  Thu, 22 Sep 2022 23:04:34 +0100