Change logs for oinkmaster source package in Oneiric

  • oinkmaster (2.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Update with content from upstream's CVS:
           - oinkmaster.conf: Remove obsolete URLs and provide urls to VRT
             certified rules and Emerging Threats rules. (Closes: 456243)
           -, new features 
           - Update of upstream's e-mail address in several documentation.
      * debian/rules: 
           - Do not install debian/oinkmaster.conf but install upstream's
      * debian/oinkmaster.conf: removed, use upstream's instead. The 
        configuration file now ships with everything commented out as it
        requires changes for every enviornment. The previous values sets
        are now the default in the script.
      * debian/dirs, debian/rules: do not create /var/run/oinkmaster
      * With the above changes, the temporary directory used now is based
        on the user's environment (TMPDIR, TMP) or defaults to /tmp.  This is the
        default, and has been enabled after reviewing the code of and
        making sure that this (hopefully) does not open up temporary race condition
        security bugs. 
        Now /var/run/oinkmaster is no longer used, which prevents using
        due to the use of tmpfs in /var/run (Closes: 519804) (LP: #331853)
      * debian/control: 
            - Move homepage to header
            - Add Vcs-Cvs and Vcs-Browse headers information
      * Change the Debian maintainer's upstream email address in
        debian files.
      * debian/compat: Change to compatibility version 5
     -- Angel Abad <email address hidden>   Fri,  29 Oct 2010 16:41:54 +0000