Change logs for debci source package in Oracular

  • debci (3.10) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Christian Kastner ]
      * worker: Add --count option to enable job limit
      [ Antonio Terceiro ]
      * api: don't use automatically updated timestamp for filtering
      * db: add index on
      * api: clarify documentation for /tests endpoint
      * api: complete examples in documentation to list all job fields
      * api: /v1/tests: return only documented fields
      * api, self_service: fix performance issues in ActiveRecord queries
      * /api/v1/test: include updated_at field in the results
      * Debci::Job: declare public API fields here
      * Debci::Job: add date attribute to the public API
      * Debci::HTML: avoid N+1 queries when loading package status
      * Debci::HTML: export only public API attributes of jobs
      * admin: display model-related icon inside edit page
      * admin: edit: show object name (#to_str) in the breadcrumbs
      * backends: fake: remove obsolete debci-setup-chdist script
      * doc: exclude frames.html
      [ g0t mi1k ]
      * Switch to Debian Bookworm (12) for Vagrant
      * Dynamically update codename for vagrant
      * Fix typo - extra \
      * debci-config: Allow for displaying all KEY values
      * debci-config: Switch to --all to list all keys
      * Add Setting up the LXC backend testbed
      * Add Setting up PostgreSQL database
      * Add Accessing Self Service (Web UI)
      * Add Creating API tokens
      * Configuring debci using variables & configs
      * Add Multiple debci-worker processes per node
      * Typo: t -> T
      * debci-status: Fix typo - Missing hyphen
      * debci-status: JSON loop on packages not results
      * debci-status: Fix static arch & suite flags
      * debci-status: More consistency with output
      * Update as 'debci config' can list all
      * escape /auth/failure params[:message]
      [ Paul Gevers ]
      * Apply suggestions to
      * lxc/test-package: fix order of debci_autopkgtest_args_lxc (Closes: 1068380)
      [ Tiago Zaniquelli ]
      * Redirect search result directly to package page if there's only one answer.
      [ Helmut Grohne ]
      * collector: skip over results that refer to an unknown job
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Wed, 17 Apr 2024 20:53:49 -0300
  • debci (3.9) unstable; urgency=medium
      * web ui: reduce usage of automatic page refresh
      * Debci::Log: handle non-UTF-8 data correctly
      * Drop static index.html in favor of Debci::Home app
      * Move RSS feed to be dynamically generated
      * Debci::HTML: load package statuses in batches
      * debian-update.timer: reduce frequency to hourly
      * Debci::Log: mark uninstallable sections as failures
      * log viewer: don't collapse a single subsection of failure sections
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:18:35 -0300