Change logs for gpscorrelate source package in Oracular

  • gpscorrelate (2.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Jeroen Ploemen ]
      * Tests: temporarily remove any dependency on valgrind, to avoid a bug
        in that package from triggering autopkgtest failures (see #1071656).
     -- Shriram Ravindranathan <email address hidden>  Fri, 28 Jun 2024 06:31:51 +0000
  • gpscorrelate (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Shriram Ravindranathan ]
      * New upstream version 2.1
      * New maintainer (Closes: #1015844)
      * d/control:
        - Replace deprecated build-dep pkg-config with pkgconf
        - Bump Standards-Version to 4.7.0
        - Remove ancient version requirement for build-dep libexiv2-dev
        - Update maintainer name
      * d/copyright:
        - Update copyright years
        - Simplify file list using wildcards
        - Remove deleted files from copyright
        - Add Upstream-Contact information
        - Add new maintainer to copyright
        - Fix license discrepancies for debian/* and i18n.h
      * Drop d/gpscorrelate-gui.dirs (redundant)
      * d/p/*:
        - Drop upstream_Adapt-to-API-type-changes-in-exiv2-0.28.0.patch:
          applied upstream
        - Add 0001-Remove-remote-image-links-from-documentation.patch
      * d/t/*:
        - Add d/t/control and d/t/upstream-suite
      * d/rules:
        - Remove override for dh_auto_test
      [ Jeroen Ploemen ]
      * Watch: switch from github tags to releases; the latter include the
        upstream appstream metadata file.
      * d/gpscorrelate-gui.install: add appstream metadata file.
      * Patches: add 0002-Keep-upstream-metainfo-file.
     -- Shriram Ravindranathan <email address hidden>  Sat, 18 May 2024 08:06:03 +0000
  • gpscorrelate (2.0-4build2) noble; urgency=medium
      * No-change rebuild for CVE-2024-3094
     -- William Grant <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Apr 2024 16:50:18 +1100