Change logs for ruby-attr-encrypted source package in Oracular

  • ruby-attr-encrypted (3.1.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      [ Debian Janitor ]
      * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster:
        + Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on ruby-encryptor.
        + ruby-attr-encrypted: Drop versioned constraint on ruby-encryptor in
      * Update watch file format version to 4.
      * Bump debhelper from old 12 to 13.
      * Update standards version to 4.5.1, no changes needed.
      [ Daniel Leidert ]
      * d/rules: Use gem installation layout.
      * d/patches/fix-ruby-3.0.patch: Add patch.
        - Fix support for Ruby 2.7 and its kwargs (closes: #996126).
      * d/patches/series: Enable new patch.
     -- Daniel Leidert <email address hidden>  Sun, 21 Nov 2021 04:21:44 +0100