Change logs for ax25-apps source package in Precise

  • ax25-apps (0.0.6-16.2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Bump debherlper compatibility level from deprecated 4 to 7
      * As a consequence, replace deprecated "dh_clean -k" by "dh_prep"
      * Add ${misc:Depends} to binary package dependencies to deal with
        dependencies triggerred by the use of debhelper
      * Explicitly point to the GPL-2 document in debian/copyright
      * Explicitly use 1.0 source format
      * No longer hardcode dpkg-statoverride path in postinst
      * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
        - Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #533876
        - Vietnamese (Clytie Siddall).  Closes: #579224
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  09 May 2010 14:13:18 +0100