Change logs for libclass-insideout-perl source package in Precise

  • libclass-insideout-perl (1.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Ryan Niebur ]
      * Update jawnsy's email address
      [ Peter Pentchev ]
      * Convert to the 3.0 (quilt) source format with no changes.
      * Depend on libclass-isa-perl | perl (<< 5.10.1-13).  Closes: #614409
      * Refresh the copyright file:
        - update it to the latest version of the DEP 5 proposed format
        - refer to the GPL-1 license file instead of the GPL symlink
        - refer to Debian (not just GNU/Linux) systems
        - add my debian/* copyright notice
        - fix the upstream contact accidentally changed by jawnsy
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 with no changes.
      * Add spelling.patch to fix two spelling mistakes.
      * Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 8 with no changes.
      * Update Roberto C. Sanchez's e-mail address.
      * Add myself to the list of uploaders.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sat,  30 Apr 2011 13:02:06 +0000