Change logs for libpoe-component-server-soap-perl source package in Precise

  • libpoe-component-server-soap-perl (1.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Jonathan Yu ]
      * Standards-Version 3.8.4 (drop perl version dep)
      * Add myself to Uploaders and Copyright
      * Rewrite control description
      * Use new short debhelper rules format
      * Update copyright to new DEP5 format
      * Drop author tests, remove requirements from B-D-I
      [ gregor herrmann ]
      * debian/control: Changed: Switched Vcs-Browser field to ViewSVN
        (source stanza).
      * Make (build) dependency on libpoe-component-server-simplehttp-perl
      [ Rene Mayorga ]
      * New upstream release
      * debian/control
        + change debhelper version B-D to >= 7
        + add myself to uploaders
      * debian/copyright:
        + update copyright proposal format
        + separate debian/* copyright stanzas based on debian/changelog
        + update upstream copyright years
      * debian/rules
        + update to dh 7 format
        + do not include anymore PERL_TEST_CRITIC and PERL_TEST_POD
        + re-add TEST_AUTHOR variable
      [ Nathan Handler ]
      * debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases.
      [ Ryan Niebur ]
      * Update ryan52's email address
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  09 May 2010 13:55:39 +0100