Change logs for surfraw source package in Precise

  • surfraw (2.2.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version    + SURFRAW_graphical_remote defaults to off, as chromium      doesn't support '-remote openURL()' (Closes: #628683).  * Move opensearch elvi to main surfraw package.    It now has an optional mode that uses a redirector    if the dependencies are not installed.  * debian/rules:    + hardcode AWK as awk (Closes: #608967).    + use dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k.    + add build-arch and build-indep targets.  * debian/control:    + Build-Depends: bump debhelper dependency to (>= 7).    + Standards-Version: 3.9.2.    + surfraw-extra: convert Conflicts: to Breaks:.    + surfraw:      * Breaks: surfraw-extra (<= 2.2.7-1)        as we have taken over /usr/lib/surfraw/opensearch.      * Recommends: surfraw-extra: add version of (>> 2.2.7-1).      * Tweak Description.  * debian/source/format: explicitly specify 1.0 source format. -- Ian Beckwith <email address hidden>  Tue, 12 Jul 2011 01:31:52 +0100