Change logs for vocproc source package in Precise

  • vocproc (0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/01-makefile.patch:
        - Revert a portion of the patch, now could link against static
          libraries provided by lv2-c++-tools.
        - Set LDFLAGS properly.
      * debian/control:
        - Needs lv2-c++-tools (>= 1.0.4-3~).
        - Remove libpaq-dev from Build-Depends field.
        - Improve the description.
        - Bump Standards.
      * debian/rules: Set LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--as-needed.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sat,  30 Apr 2011 13:58:06 +0000