libfparser-4.3 binary package in Ubuntu Precise amd64

 This C++ library offers a class which can be used to parse and evaluate a
 mathematical function from a string (which might be eg. requested from the
 user). The syntax of the function string is similar to mathematical
 expressions written in C/C++ (the exact syntax is specified later in this
 document). The function can then be evaluated with different values of
 For example, a function like "sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y))" can be parsed from a
 string (either std::string or a C-style string) and then evaluated with
 different values of x and y. This library can be useful for evaluating
 user-inputted functions, or in some cases interpreting mathematical
 expressions in a scripting language.

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2011-10-13 14:45:10 UTC Published Ubuntu Precise amd64 release universe libs Optional 4.3-3
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu oneiric-release amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu

Source package