Change logs for remake source package in Raring

  • remake (3.82+dbg0.9+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fresh upstream release
        - dropped emacs mode (moved into a separate project

      * Switched to use +dfsg to assure proper version
        comparison going e.g. from 0.9+dfsg to 0.9.1+dfsg
      * Moved .gbp.conf under debian/gbp.conf
      * Added '-b debian' for Vcs-Git field since we ship Debian
        packaging within upstream repository
      * Boosted policy to 3.9.4
      * Switched to source package 3.0 (quilt) format
      * Switched to minimalistic dh 9.0 debian/rules
        - use dh-autoreconf (added also needed for it 'autopoint' build-dependency)
          (Closes: #536004)
     -- Yaroslav Halchenko <email address hidden>  Thu, 04 Oct 2012 10:45:49 -0400
  • remake (3.81+dbg0.2~dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release(s): resolved issue with deprecated emacs
        list syntax (Closes: #499956)
      * Using upstream checkout 43ea2cdf4a8cec7c1c1b9827046e71258b77008f
        instead of the latest release, since there were few fixes introduced
        since the release
      * Due to upstream switch to git, remake git repository now contains
        sources for vanilla make, remake, and Debian packaging.
      * Added VCS fields into the header.
      * Extended list of copyright holders due to added pieces.
      * Not using dpatch any longer.
      * Redoing DFSG compliance of a new remake:
        - documents with GFDL with cover pages (info/html) are removed
          and FDL license is no longer shipped
        - remake-specific info file is no longer present/shipped
        - vanilla make changelog is no longer shipped separate,
          please refer to /usr/share/doc/make/changelog.gz which contains
          entries for both make and remake
      * Updated compliance to policy 3.8.0
      * Using autotools at package build time, it required also custom clean
        up in clean rule of debian/rules
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Wed,  29 Apr 2009 12:10:27 +0100