Change logs for syslinux-themes-ubuntu source package in Raring

  • syslinux-themes-ubuntu (6) raring; urgency=low
      * Add new syslinux-themes-ubuntu-raring package.  Switch
        syslinux-themes-ubuntu dependency to it.
      * Make /usr/share/syslinux-themes-ubuntu/themes/ubuntu a symlink to
        ubuntu-raring rather than ubuntu-precise (oops).
     -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>   Fri, 09 Nov 2012 14:15:07 +0000
  • syslinux-themes-ubuntu (5) quantal; urgency=low
      * Make several files under themes/ubuntu-quantal/ in the source package be
        copies of files in themes/ubuntu-precise/ rather than hard links to
        them, to avoid sbuild failures in some configurations.
      * Create symlinks to files in /usr/lib/syslinux/ at package build time
        rather than shipping them in the source package.  The latter seems to
        trigger odd bugs in the build toolchain when more than one symlink to
        the same file is present in the source package, causing some of the
        resulting binary packages to include zero-byte files instead of
     -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>   Sat, 01 Sep 2012 01:10:14 +0100