Change logs for getdata source package in Trusty

  • getdata (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Steffen Moeller ]
      * Update of DE405 (URL changed)
      [ Andreas Tille ]
      * debian/control
        - Fixed VCS fields
      [ Charles Plessy ]
      * Normalised with config-model-edit.
      * Conforms with Policy 3.9.5.
      * Using Debhelper 9. 
      * Switch back to source format 1.0.  (Closes: #725526).
      * Machine-readable Debian copyright file.
      * Use canonical VCS URLs.
     -- Charles Plessy <email address hidden>  Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:57:31 +0900
  • getdata (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Steffen Moeller ]
      * Initial release (Closes: #514984)
      * source format 3.0 (quilt)
      * Suggesting biomaj
      [ Charles Plessy ]
      * Renamed getData (.pl extensions are unwelcome in /usr/bin)
      * Moved /etc/defaults/getdata to /etc/getData.conf (I think that
        /etc/defaults is for initscript configuration).
      * fixed debian/rules.
      * deleted debian/compat (CDBS does not need it).
      * Defautl mirror directory is /var/lib/getdata instead of
      * Recommends perl-doc as getData --help needs it.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  21 Oct 2011 09:46:38 +0000