Change logs for libgeography-countries-perl source package in Trusty

  • libgeography-countries-perl (2009041301-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
      * debian/copyright: Replace DEP5 Format-Specification URL from to URL.
      [ TANIGUCHI Takaki ]
      * change Maintainer to Debian Perl Group.
      * Bump Standards-Verstion to 3.9.3 (no changes).
      * debian/copyright: Update copyright-format to 1.0. 
      [ gregor herrmann ]
      * debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies.
     -- TANIGUCHI Takaki <email address hidden>  Thu, 12 Jul 2012 18:05:52 +0900