Change logs for mediatomb source package in Trusty

  • mediatomb (0.12.1-5ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
      * I brilliantly forgot to upload the proper changelog I had written. Below:
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/control:
          + Don't build-depend on libmozjs-dev.
          + Add OR depends on abrowser.
        - debian/{mediatomb-daemon.mediatomb.upstart,rules}: Introduce upstart
          support to fix start-on-boot failure.
        - debian/mediatomb-daemon.postinst: Give executable bit to complete
          upstart support.
        - debian/rules: Disable JS support.
      * Drop all Ubuntu-only patches.
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>   Sun, 29 Dec 2013 01:00:23 -0500
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-5ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
      * Merge.
    mediatomb (0.12.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      [ Hector Oron ]
      * Fix build against libmp4v2. (Closes: #677958)
      * Remove config.log file upon cleanup.
      [ Sebastian Ramacher ]
      * debian/patches/0011_libav_9_support.patch: Apply patch from Jona Schuman
        to port mediatomb to libav 9 API. Thanks to Jona Schuman for the patch
        (Closes: #677959)
      * debian/control:
        - Remove obsolete Dm-Upload-Allow. The archive software ignores it.
        - Build-Depends: Bump libavformat-dev to >= 6:9.
        - Vcs-*: Use canonical locations.
        - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
    mediatomb (0.12.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Bump debhelper and the compatibility level to 9.
        - Enables hardened build flags.
      * debian/control:
        - Remove Andres Mejia from the uploaders list.
        - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
        - mediatomb-daemon depends on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14).
        - Create the mediatomb-dbg package.
      * debian/rules:
        - Simplify the rules file.
        - Remove deprecated mediatomb configuration options.
      * debian/patches/*:
        - Update the copyObject function to avoid segfaults with js 1.8.
          (Closes: #664967)
        - Fix the spelling errors mentioned by lintian.
        - Add Ubuntu's patch to properly parse the bitrate and the number of audio
      * debian/mediatomb-daemon.mediatomb.init:
        - Add a Description LSB keyword to the init script.
        - Implement the status option in the init script.
      * debian/*:
        - Update the lintian overrides.
        - Use set -e in the body of the maintainer scripts.
        - Remove the references to the versionless symlinks (GPL/LGPL) in the
          copyright file.
        - Add a Readme.source file to explain the requirements needed to be able
          to use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip.
        - Update my name in various files.
    mediatomb (0.12.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Arnout Engelen ]
      * Build with recent versions of ffmpeg. (Closes: #509918, #589208)
      * Force removal of old /etc/init.d/mediatomb scripts. Fixes #577619
      [ Miguel Colon ]
      * Team upload.
      * Fix a FTBFS when using gcc-4.6. (Closes: #624921)
      * Fix a FTBFS by porting to spidermonkey 1.8:
        - Fix a failure to categorize media files with the new js.
        - Build depend on libmozjs185-dev instead of libmozjs-dev.
        - Add detection for -lmozjs185 during the configure script.
        - Use dh-autoreconf instead of patching the results of an old autoreconf.
        - (Closes: #652534, #631046, #642578, #661149)
      * Fixed upstream by adding -lz. (Closes: #555594)
      * Fixed upstream in svn r2034 and already in 0.12.1. (Closes: #572701)
      * Fix a FTBFS when using gcc-4.7.
      * Fix a crash triggered by files with length > 999 hours.
      * Most of the patches originate from the Fedora mediatomb maintainers. Thanks
        go to them.
      [ Hector Oron ]
      * Drop -fpermissive from js_1.8_support.patch, as it makes unapply patches
        to fail after build has finalized.
      * Re-introduce mediatomb into Debian (Closes: #663456).
      * Add Miguel Colon and myself to uploaders.
    mediatomb (0.12.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      * Upload to unstable.
      * new upstream release explicitly adds -lz during build. (Closes: #614956)
      * move user creation scripts from preinst to postinst to avoid
        pre-dependency on adduser
    mediatomb (0.12.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #579316)
      * Update patches that are to be applied, resolve changes from new
        upstream source.
      * Refresh all patches.
      * Disable lastfm scrobbling support for now since lastfmlib is not in Debian.
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1.
      * Update copyright file to include full text of various BSD licenses.
      * Update watch file for new release.
      * Rotate mediatomb log file weekly for 12 weeks. (Closes: #574685)
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>   Sat, 28 Dec 2013 23:22:35 -0500
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-0ubuntu6) trusty; urgency=low
      * import 0011_libav_9_support.patch from debian
     -- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <email address hidden>   Fri, 22 Nov 2013 13:01:14 +0000
  • mediatomb (0.12.1-0ubuntu5) quantal; urgency=low
      * import gcc_4.{6,7}_support.patch from debian
     -- Julian Taylor <email address hidden>   Fri, 05 Oct 2012 11:04:25 +0200