Change logs for mpfrc++ source package in Trusty

  • mpfrc++ (3.5.6+ds-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial release (Closes: #723839), thanks to the upstream maintainer
        Pavel Holoborodko <email address hidden> for clarifying the upstream
        license policy and for tweaking the upstream Mercurial repository to
        allow minimal debian/{rules,watch} material and a cleaner package.
      * Debianization:
        - debian/copyright in DEP-5 format;
        - debhelper build-dep to >= 9;
        - source format 3.0 (quilt);
        - Standards Version 3.9.4;
        - debian/patches/ patches in DEP-3 format;
        - debian/repack script meant for debian/watch file;
        - debian/watch file, which depends on debian/repack to repack;
        - debian/rules:
          - minimal rules;
          - optional get-orig-source target which relies on uscan to get the
            currently packaged upstream tarball source and to repack it;
          - default target which basically queries packages status with
            uscan, output in DEHS format.
      * Minor fixes and enhancements:
        - example/* :
          - example/example.cpp, system preprocessing directive #include;
          - minimal example/makefile, unnecessary targets were wiped out.
     -- Jerome Benoit <email address hidden>  Sun, 13 Oct 2013 19:30:04 +0000