Change logs for ruby-defaults source package in Trusty

  • ruby-defaults (1: unstable; urgency=medium
      * ruby-all-dev: also depend on the actual interpreters and not only on the
        -dev packages
      * ruby-all-dev: ship library with data about supported interpreters
        - ruby_debian_dev.rb will be be used by gem2deb
      * Add a simple DEP-8 smoke test
      * Drop Conflicts/Replaces/Provides on obsolete packages that are not even on
        squeeze anymore
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Wed, 12 Feb 2014 09:33:39 -0300
  • ruby-defaults (1: unstable; urgency=medium
      * Breaks ruby-switch <= 0.1.0 and rbenv <= 0.4.0-1
        - the mention of `ruby-build` in the previous release was a typo.
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Thu, 06 Feb 2014 17:56:55 -0300
  • ruby-defaults (1: unstable; urgency=medium
      * Breaks ruby-build << 0.1.0 and rbenv << 0.4.0-1
        - The removal of the alternatives entries breaks both packages ability to
          detect installed interpreters.
      * Put myself as maintainer, move akira yamada <email address hidden> to
        Uploaders:. Add Christian Hofstaedtler to Uploaders:
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:07:57 -0300
  • ruby-defaults (1: unstable; urgency=medium
      * Switch from cdbs to debhelper
      * `ruby` now Conflicts with ruby1.8 and rubygems packages, which should be
        removed from the archive soonish.
      * Take control of /usr/bin/{erb,testrb,irb,rdoc,gem,ri,ruby} binaries
        - update-alternatives for /usr/bin/ruby and slave symlinks is not
          supported anymore.
        - Those binaries will now be part of this package and will point to the
          binaries provided by the default Ruby
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sat, 01 Feb 2014 21:55:19 -0300
  • ruby-defaults (1:1.9.3) unstable; urgency=low
      * declare Breaks: apt-listbugs (<< 0.1.6) in ruby package to avoid breaking
        squeeze/wheezy upgrades when apt-listbugs is installed (Closes: 700671).
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sat, 23 Feb 2013 10:45:13 -0300