Change logs for ruby-fusefs source package in Trusty

  • ruby-fusefs (0.7.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add myself to Uploaders and copyright holders of debian/
      * debian/control:
        + remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed flag
        + use canonical URI in Vcs-* fields
        + Bump Standards-Version to 3..9.5 (no changes needed)
      * Build for all supported Ruby versions (Closes: #730894)
        + add debian/patches/port-to-newer-ruby.patch to port the C extensions
      * Drop transitional packages
     -- Cédric Boutillier <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:17:12 +0100
  • ruby-fusefs (0.7.0-3) unstable; urgency=high
      * Team upload.
      * Set urgency to high as an RC bug is fixed.
      * debian/control: build only for Ruby 1.8. (Closes: #704249)
        - mention in the description that ruby-fusefs will work only with Ruby 1.8
        - set XS-Ruby-Versions: to ruby1.8 to disable the build of the binary
          extension with Ruby 1.9
        - set ruby1.8 as a dependency instead of the ruby metapackage.
     -- Cédric Boutillier <email address hidden>  Thu, 04 Apr 2013 17:33:22 +0200