Change logs for tiger source package in Trusty

  • tiger (1:3.2.3-12) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Include changes done in upstream's GIT ]
      * scripts/check_passwd, scripts/check_anonftp, scripts/check_network: Added
        /usr/sbin/nologin to list of valid nologin shells (Closes: #734775, #717218)
      * systems/Linux/2/deb_checkmd5sums: 
          - Fix the location of dpkg-divert, it has moved from /usr/sbin to
            /usr/bin (Closes: #732936, #735102)
          - Do not use dpkg-divert if not available
      * systems/Linux/2/gen_mounts
          - Added pstore  (Closes: 733832)
          - Fix typo: hugetlbf --> hugetlbfs (Closes: 729692)
          - Add fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon as a filesystem and consider gvfs
            filesystems as non-LOCAL to be in the safe side.
      - systems/Linux/2/check_single: Do not assume existance of /etc/inittab"
      [ Debian specific changes ] 
      * debian/control: Bump standards, no changes required
      * debian/po/es.po: Fix Language in PO file
      * debian/po/ja.po: Update PO debconf based on Japanese team review
        (Closes: #692474)
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:39:49 +0100
  • tiger (1:3.2.3-11) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/postinst, debian/rules: Do not use example file at
        /usr/share/doc/tiger for the configuration. Copy the example file
        to /usr/share/tiger and use it from there instead (Closes: #710068)
      * debian/rules: 
          - Add the issue and example files provided into
          - Remove auto-generated config files when cleaning just in case
            Makefile didn't take care of them
      [ Updated with upstream content in GIT repository. The following is a list
        of changes relevant to Debian as they close existing bugs. ]
      * scripts/check_known: Determine properly the kernel version to decide
        whether to user ifconfig (or not) (Closes: #708360, #709065, #687937) 
      * Make util/mkfilelst a bash script since it uses a sourced script with
        arguments (Closes: #690644)
        - Note: We ignore other bashims reported in the bug reported due to the
          use of HOSTNAME since the Tiger configuration file ensures that the
          HOSTNAME variable is properly set before using any of these scripts.
          This variable is defined using the proper binary in the
          system/<OPERATING_SYSTEM>/config scripts.
      * systems/Linux/2/services: Update services definition to prevent false
        positives report on duplicated service names (Closes: #696510)
      * scripts/check_issue: Do not require there to be administrative-provided
        files to compare with. If they are not found, warn instead that we have
        nothing to compare with (Closes: #511970)
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Thu, 05 Sep 2013 07:11:59 +0200