Change logs for kgb-bot source package in Utopic

  • kgb-bot (1.31-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - debian/control: Add build dependency on language-pack-bg-base and delete
          build dependency on missing locales-all. This fixes an FTBFS.
    kgb-bot (1.31-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * client: default to using json
      * remove author-login from default message templates
      * TODO: plans for implementing central configuration
      * import dirname in
      * configure test git repositories wheter test bot is running or not
      * remove project from default configuration
      * update documentation about default message templates
      * add author_name field for CVS commits
      * client: decode arguments given to --relay-msg
      * require JSON::XS instead of plain JSON
    kgb-bot (1.30-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * bot: fix colorize_change_wrapper
    kgb-bot (1.29-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Martín Ferrari ]
      * Fix invalid Vcs-Svn field.
      * Check BOT_ENABLED before starting the bot in the restart action.
      [ gregor herrmann ]
      * Install missing App/KGB/ and other files.
      * debian/rules: call dh_install with --fail-missing to avoid forgetting new
        files in the future.
      * debian/control: kgb-client: move libjson-* from Recommends to Depends.
        Thanks to Pete Wyckoff for the hint in #718286.
      * debian/control: make Vcs-* fields canonical. Thanks, lintian.
      * debian/control: use git instead of git-core, the package was renamed some
        years ago.
      * Fix failure with Safe-2.35.
        Thanks to Petr Písař <email address hidden> for the patch.
      [ Damyan Ivanov ]
      * detect UTF8 in full author name
      * add kgb.enable-branch-ff-notification Git option (true by default) for
        managing fast forward notifications
      * declare test dependencies in test_requires
      * client: add --debug option
      * chomp git-config-determined config file path before usage
      * replace ~~ (smartmatch) usage. ~~ is deprecated in perl 5.18
      * replace given/when usage, declared experimental in perl 5.18
      * client: verify config file structures
      * git client: do not die on unknown ref updates (see #706375)
      * git client: squash creation if numerous tags (>5 currently)
      * configurable tag squash threshold/message
      * correct POD about Client->format_message arguments
      * bot: allow setting of "" color to disable colouring of a given item
      * bot: use App::KGB::Painter for coloring
      * bot: add --simulate-color option enabling color codes in the dump file
      * include tag name in the Tag object created from annotated tags
      * merge back kgb-client-git package into kgb-client
      * git client: allow specifying project-id via git-config
      * t/50-client.t: skip tests with UTF-8 commit messages (subversion) unless
        C_TYPE is known to use UTF-8. RT#80664
      * adapt to newer JSON-RPC which renamed the client module (RT#80666)
      * add versions to all modules to satisfy the CPAN indexer
      * make sure that strict and warnings are used everywhere
     -- Bhavani Shankar <email address hidden>   Sat, 09 Nov 2013 19:34:21 +0530