Change logs for nedit source package in Utopic

  • nedit (1:5.6~cvs20081118-9) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Markus ]
      * Patch source/preferences.c for language mode setting when a file is loaded:
        Now first use the file extension and then look in its contents. The former
        order prevented correct language detection due to ambigous recognition
      * Add patch "ewmh-raise" to raise a (partially) hidden nedit window when
        opening a new file from nedit-nc.
      * Add patch "move tab by drag and drop" to be able to move tabs around
      * Patch source/window.c to allow multiple tab rows
      * Add a small patch to Microline/XmL/Folder.c to make longer parts of
        filenames visible on tabs when many files are open. TODO: Still more
        characters could be shown in the bottom row.
      * Improve desktop integration (nedit.desktop)
      [ Paul Gevers ]
      * Update description so it mentions that UTF-8 files are not supported to
        prevent wrong expectations.
      * Add d/NEWS to describe how to activate the multirow tabbing and the drag
        and drop feature
     -- Paul Gevers <email address hidden>  Thu, 01 May 2014 19:55:30 +0200
  • nedit (1:5.6~cvs20081118-8) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Jari Aalto ]
      * Removed deprecated dpatch and upgrade to packaging format "3.0 quilt"
        (Closes: #664439).
      * Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.4 (no changes needed).
      * Updated debhelper to 9 due to moving rules to dh(1) format. The dh(1)
        format makes it possible to utilize hardened build flags easily in the
        build process.
      * Added ${misc:Depends} to control files (Lintian).
      * Removed 80_Update_version_description.patch and moved version update
        to rules file. The version string cannot be set from a patch because it is
        modified during the build dynamically from the current date.
        (Closes: #694644)
      * Added 90_build_no_ask.patch to build unattended. CFLAGS
        option -DBUILD_UNTESTED_NEDIT would otherwise display
        "HIT ENTER TO CONTINUE" question.
      * Use hardened build flags; for this the sources also needed a new
      * Update d/copyright to the machine-readable format v1.0
      * Remove spurious whitespaces from debian files
      [ Paul Gevers ]
      * Update my e-mail address
      * Remove 70_EditVersionText.dpatch as the current version of the library
        is not known-bad
      * Add Vcs-* fields to d/control
      * Set package to Multi-arch: foreign
      * Remove build-depends on libxp-dev (Closes: #623662)
      * Build against libmotif-dev instead of lesstif2-dev now it finaly entered
        main (should get rid of quite some old bugs).
      * Create all CFLAGS in d/rules, thus 20_ChangeFlagsLinuxMakefile.patch is
        obsolete. Now build with BUILD_UNTESTED_NEDIT and HAVE__XMVERSIONSTRING, and
        without USE_DIRENT and USE_LPR_PRINT_CMD. The later means the default for
        the print command is now lp i.s.o. lpr.
     -- Paul Gevers <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 May 2013 21:22:21 +0200