Change logs for blinker source package in Vivid

  • blinker (1.3.dfsg2-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload
      [ Piotr Ożarowski ]
      * Add python3-blinker binary package
        - python3-all added to Build-Depends
      * Switch dh buildsystem to pybuild
        - dh-python added to Build-Depends
      [ Michael Terry ]
      * debian/control, debian/rules:
        - Enable tests during build
      [ Scott Kitterman ]
      * Repack tarball to also remove sourceless docs/html/searchindex.js
      * Update debian/ to also remove docs/html/searchindex.js
      * Move documentation into a separate binary for use with both the python
        and python3 versions of the package
        - Add python-blinker-doc to debian/control
        - Move debian/ to debian/
        - Move debian/python-blinker.links to debian/python-blinker-doc.links and
          update links for new package name
        - Have python-blinker and python3-blinker Suggest python-blinker-doc
      * Fix DEP-5 format errors in debian/copyright
      * Add DPMT Vcs-* fields to debian/control
      * Bump standards version to 3.9.5 without further change
     -- Scott Kitterman <email address hidden>  Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:55:34 -0400