Change logs for broadcom-sta source package in Vivid

  • broadcom-sta ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Synced supported chipsets list with README.txt file (Closes: #762954).
      * Bumped standards version to 3.9.6 (No changes).
      * Added series of patches from Mickael MASSON <email address hidden> to
        fix system hang when activating monitor mode (Closes: #770327).
     -- Cyril Lacoux <email address hidden>  Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:49:06 +0400
  • broadcom-sta ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Switched compression method from bz2 to xz.
      * Added 06-3.17.0.patch for kernel 3.17 compatibility (Closes: #762711).
      * Fixed broken variable for kernel version when compiling with
        module-assistant (Closes: #763550).
     -- Cyril Lacoux <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:53:44 +0400
  • broadcom-sta ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (Yeah!) (Closes: #688823).
      * Refreshed the following patch files:
        - 00-changelog.patch
        - 01-shipped-module.patch
        - 02-license.patch
        - 03-rename-to-wlan0.patch
        - 05-user_ioctl.patch (-> 04-user_ioctl.patch)
      * Dropped applied upstream patch files:
        - 04-linux-semaphore-include.patch
        - 06-2.6.39.patch
        - 07-3.0.0.patch
        - 08-3.2.0.patch
        - 09-3.4.0.patch
        - 10-3.6.0.patch
        - 11-3.8.0.patch
        - 12-3.9.0.patch
      * Added 05-3.10.0.patch for kernel 3.10 compatibility (Closes: #716999).
     -- Cyril Lacoux <email address hidden>  Mon, 16 Sep 2013 10:19:56 +0400