Change logs for libxalan2-java source package in Vivid

  • libxalan2-java (2.7.1-9) unstable; urgency=high
      * Team upload.
      * Fix CVE-2014-0107: Strengthen the secure processing mode by disabling
        external general entities, foreign attributes and access to the system
        properties. This could be exploited to execute arbitrary code remotely.
        (Closes: #742577)
      * debian/control:
        - Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5 (no changes)
        - Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
        - Updated the Homepage field
        - Removed the duplicate Section fields
      * Switch to debhelper level 9
      * debian/rules: Improved the clean target
     -- Emmanuel Bourg <email address hidden>  Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:22:35 +0100