Change logs for collectl source package in Wily

  • collectl (4.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add Replaces and Breaks collectl-utils dependenices to ensure proper
        upgrade. (Closes #785038)
     -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Mon, 08 Jun 2015 14:04:40 -0600
  • collectl (4.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * rare, but if selecting processes by parent pid or command name, it's
        possible when a new pid is seen that it's already exited by the time
        we try to read /proc/pid/stat, and it will return an undef value
      * finally cleaned up code to read speeds from /sys to use internal
        cat() to avoid misc 'Invalid Arg' errors.  also fixed cat() to return
        null when nothing read.
      * added mlx5 as a new type of IB device name [thanks fred]
      * get lustre version a different way because format changed [thanks Jeff]
        also note that native lustre support in collectl is going away in
        summer of 2015!
      * lexpr was incorrectly reporting sys/user cpu details in the wrong
        place and as a result showed up before the timestamp in some cases
      * colmux has now been moved to the collectl package, release notes
        to be continued here going forward
      * COLMUX: -oT -test wasn't including time column in help output whereas -od
        and -oD did
      * COLMUX: new switch: -retaddr tells collectl to connect back to this
        address rather than the one colmux chooses by default which is default
        interface's addr
      * COLMUX: change in way return address is determined because RHEL 7 changed
        the format of the ifconfig output, changing Bcast to broadcast and
        dropping addr:
     -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Fri, 08 May 2015 13:03:13 -0600
  • collectl (3.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release 3.7.4
      * typo in $netFilt (should have been $netFiltIgnore) preventing any
        network from being included in totals when *-netfilt specified, but
        also made me rethink the way summaries are calculalted (see next item)
      * 2 more network types were discovered to be causing double counting
        in summaries, specifically vibr and vnets.   since the exceptions occur
        at a far greater rate it was decided that rather than have a default list
        of those network types to exclude from the summaries, it makes far more
        sense to have a list with those that SHOULD be included as well as a
        mechanism for handling new summary types.  This led to a reinterpretation
        of *-netfilt.  see the man page and Network.html for more details
      * removed references to XC, which is no longer supported
      * use abs to generate path to exe, simpler and cleaner [thanks Jeff]
      * extended the way formatit is loaded and changed the order that collectl.conf
        is discovered, noting it should only effect people actually modifying
        code or moving things to non*standard locations.  it IS now documented
        in Startup and Initialization. [thanks again, Jeff]
      * set max lines to read for diskstats to 20000 for those with real large
        disk counts where 10000 wasn't enough [thanks jean*marc]
      * very rare, but if doing timing and no hires present, $microInterval gets set
        to zero and the division by the interval blows up
      * finally remembered to remove -G and --group which were replaced by --tworaw
      * clarified description of -s defaults in manpage as well as adding a
        pointer to the online documentation on file naming [thanks rob]
      * added additional error message for when files match selection string
        but none contain *date-time.raw  [thanks rob]
      * add support for newer kernel CPU stats: guest, guest_nice
      * now that 2.4 kernels no longer supported, make sure CPU stats contain
        at least softirq field
      * change headers with % to PCT and remove space, also remove whitespace in
        interrupt detail output for type and devices columns [thanks rob]
      * new switch --ALL, selects summary and detail data for all subsystems
        [thanks rob]
      * new switch --full, selects --verbose, always includes RECORD separator and
        includes which subsystem data is being reported with each interval in
        the RECORD header to make parsing easier for rob  [thanks rob]
      * if you DON'T collect tcp data but want to play it back, variables weren't
        initialized to 0 and you get uninit variable warnings
      * if disk name ends with a digit (can only happen when manually changing
        disk filtering in either collectl.conf or with *-rawdskfilt, don't
        include in disk summary stats [thanks guy]
      * discovered a place where some numa counters go backwards!  This MUST be a
        kernel bug but inserted code to mitigate and warn if it happens [thanks rob]
      * removed a line of code incorrectly initializing $HCAPosts[] because that is
        now a doubly indexed array [thanks Jeff]
      * discovered tap devices don't set default network speeds correctly and can
        cause 'bogus' messages so use default max
      * make 'Intrpt' header mixed case for CPU details, not all upper
      * new 3rd option for --top, allows one to display the top-n processes sorted
        by any column vertically, similar to playback mode, which in some cases
        can be very handy
      * if only 1 tcp subtype selected with --tcpfilt, was printing column
        header of ERR and I've no idea why.  Changed it to TCP.
      * I didn't like --tcpfilt I by itself forcing --verbose so changed it to just
        being in the *-tcpfilt string will force it and updated man page as well
        since *-tcpfilt wasn't even documented in it
      * As warned I'm in the process of direct support for lustre and you should
        contact Peter Piela at TeraScala to get a copy of his lustre plugin.
        Therefore *sl is being removed as a default.  To get collectl's native
        lustre support in daemon mode, you must add it to *s.  Native support will
        be completely removed around the summer of 2015.
     -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:13:36 -0600