Change logs for iptables-converter source package in Wily

  • iptables-converter (0.9.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * [63bdb0d] illegal characters '$()' no longer lead to faulty output
      * [3efcb8b] short inputfile should be valid except for a variable
      * [d36c02b] short inputfile should be valid except for a function.
                  Thanks to Guido for the bugreport
                  Closes: #748638
      * [302e5f9] tests now proof for shell varaibles and functions
      * [2369725] manpages updated and corrected for exit status
      * [202d159] copied and adapted from iptables-converter
      * [5098422] version set to 0.9.5
      * [8379d72] added
      * [7708973] adapted to additional tests for shell vars, funcs
      * [aa690f8] sphinx-doc updated, errors with functions and variables mentioned
      * [1ff76c9] version changed to 0.9.5
      * [0751002] Improve package description.
                  Closes: #748635
     -- Johannes Hubertz <email address hidden>  Mon, 16 Jun 2014 21:33:31 +0200