Change logs for aspell-id source package in Xenial

  • aspell-id (1.2-0-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
      * Initial package LP: #63189
      * Suggestion patch from Jonathan Nieder, debian/rules, debian/changelog,
      * debian/control
       + Adding Vcs-Browser to rather than raw repository.
       - Remove quilt from build depends
       + Adding Provides filed, as Brian Nelson said at debian-mentors list
       + Update lisence to GPL-2+ line to match the text that follow it
       + adding Indonesian Team Translation Language
      * debian/control
       + Switch Maintainer do Translation Team ID
       + Adding Vcs-Browser to Alioth.d.o
       + Adding Vcs-Git to git.d.o
      * debian/watch
       + small typo
      * Translations are now handled by Debian-ID l10n (debian/rules, debian/copyright)
      * add simple rules file (using cdbs, based on such-and-such
        documentation), a control file describing the binary package,
        and an appropriate compat file.
     -- Mahyuddin Susanto <email address hidden>   Tue, 23 Nov 2010 04:20:30 +0700