Change logs for darkstat source package in Yakkety

  • darkstat (3.0.719-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
        + Implement tracking of remote ports: shows which ports the host
          is making outgoing connections to. Long time feature request.
        + Bugfix: when the capture interface goes down, exit instead of
          busy-looping forever.
        + Fix "clock error" due to machine reboot. (Closes: #800587)
        + SIGUSR1 now resets the time and bytes reported on the graphs
        + Account for all IP protocols.
        + Change the default ports_max to only twice the default
      * Update debian policy to 3.9.6, no changes needed.
      * Update homepage url to use https
     -- Emil Mikulic <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Oct 2015 23:49:59 +1100