Change logs for ikvm source package in Yakkety

  • ikvm (8.1.5717.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * [a948bb2] Update so get-orig-source gets the right version
      * [3ca6eb0] Imported Upstream version 8.1.5717.0+ds
      * [50bdfab] Refreshed debian/patches/01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch
      * [8915f6f] Refreshed debian/patches/03-use_mono.snk_for_ikvm-key.patch
      * [8a757b6] Removed d/p/force_4.0_Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter
      * [84a8679] Fix build-deps (Closes: #814164)
      * [6925689] Fix install locations
      * [b4a395f] Fix upstream Linux build bugs
      * [8fcea15] Patch implib.exe to support SNK from files, not Crypto Store
      * [297fbed] Add new assemblies to GAC and pkg-config
      * [49c4e64] Override JSON license lintian check. The quoted license doesn't
        apply to any files in the tree.
     -- Jo Shields <email address hidden>  Fri, 19 Feb 2016 14:40:20 +0000