Change logs for kaffeine source package in Yakkety

  • kaffeine (2.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release:
        - a basic man page is provided (Closes: #827531)
      * Depend on vlc, since it contains the video output modules (and not only
        those). (Closes: #827534)
      * Update the description. (Closes: #692643, #827631)
      * Add myself as Uploader.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Fri, 01 Jul 2016 22:47:57 +0200
  • kaffeine (2.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * New upstream release.
      * Update watch file.
      * Update the build dependencies following the port to Frameworks:
        - remove kdelibs5-dev
        - add extra-cmake-modules, qtbase5-dev, libqt5x11extras5-dev,
          libkf5coreaddons-dev, kdoctools-dev, libkf5dbusaddons-dev,
          libkf5i18n-dev, kio-dev, libkf5solid-dev, libkf5widgetsaddons-dev,
          and libkf5xmlgui-dev
      * Use the right dh addon:
        - switch from kde to kf5 dh addon
        - bump the pkg-kde-tools build dependency to >= 0.15.16
      * The new version switches from Xine to VLC, so:
        - replace the libxine2-dev build dependency with libvlc-dev
        - stop using the xine dh addon
        - do not use the ${xine-ffmpeg:Depends} and ${xine-x:Depends} substvars
      * Update the patches:
        - ftbfs_gcc47.diff: drop, fixed upstream
        - upstream_Explicitly-include-CheckIncludeFiles.patch: drop, backported
          from upstream
      * Add the libdvbv5-dev build dependency (only on Linux), for DVB support.
      * Replace the libqt4-sql-sqlite dependency with libqt5sql5-sqlite.
      * Link in as-needed mode.
      * Rewrite copyright to copyright-format 1.0, and update.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sun, 12 Jun 2016 00:12:47 +0200
  • kaffeine (1.2.2-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Drop menu file and its pixmap, since kaffeine already provides a .desktop
      * Backport upstream commit 4a1a90ee1b2b4d13302046f043adf1c2a1de758d to fix
        build with cmake >= 3.4; patch
        upstream_Explicitly-include-CheckIncludeFiles.patch. (Closes: #808759)
      * Rename debian/presubj to debian/kaffeine.bug-presubj so it is handled
        automatically by dh_bugfiles.
      * Remove kaffeine-dbg in favour of the -dbgsym packages.
      * Remove .install file, obsolete now that there is just one binary package
        (and everything is installed there directly).
      * Update Vcs-* fields.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes required.
      * Stop using --list-missing, no more needed now.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Jun 2016 15:58:03 +0200
  • kaffeine (1.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Build against libxine2-dev (Closes: #741361)
     -- Moritz Muehlenhoff <email address hidden>  Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:12:29 +0200