Change logs for packit source package in Yakkety

  • packit (1.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New maintainer. LaMont Jones is co-maintainer now. Thanks a lot for your
          work over this package since 2003.
      * Migrations:
          - debian/copyright to 1.0 format.
          - debian/rules to (new) reduced format.
          - DebSrc to 3.0.
          - DH level to 9.
          - Using dh-autoreconf now.
      * debian/clean: add to remove some files created when building and forgotten
          by upstream when running the cleaning actions.
      * debian/control:
          - Added a comma as separator in Depends field.
          - Added a Homepage field.
          - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
          - Changed from XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-*. Using collab-maint now.
          - Improved the descriptions.
          - Moved the Section field from binary to source field.
          - Removed the (now) unnecessary minimal version for libnet1-dev.
          - Reorganized the Build-Depends field.
          - Replaced from libpcap-dev to libpcap0.8-dev in Build-Depends field.
      * debian/copyright: updated all information, including the upstream email
      * debian/docs: created to install the upstream docs/ICMP.txt file. Thanks to
          Olivier Macchioni <email address hidden>. (Closes: #497797)
      * debian/patches/:
          - The old packaging stile allowed direct changes in upstream source code.
            Now, several patches were created to avoid these direct changes. So,
            the following new patches are being provided:
              ~ 010_fix_id_field_in_manpage.patch
              ~ 020_fix_header_field_in_pcap-int.h.patch
              ~ 030_fix_FTBFS_pcap_h.patch
              ~ 040_fix_call_to_pcap-bpf_h.patch
              ~ 050_honor_nostrip.patch
          - There are these new patches too:
              ~ 060_fix_spelling_errors.patch: added to fix spelling errors in some
              ~ 070_RARP_support.patch: added to implement RARP support. Thanks to
                Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>.
                (Closes: #652510)
              ~ 080_off-by-one_string_error.patch: added to fix off-by-one string
                error and update autotools. Thanks to Mats Erik Andersson
                <email address hidden>. (Closes: #714256)
              ~ 090_fix_typo_in_source_code.patch added to fix a typo in option
                parsing code which made -D always random when random -S was used.
                Thanks to Dennis Vshivkov <email address hidden> (Closes: #298799)
              ~ 100_fix_segfault.patch: added to fix segfault when using inject-mode
                with no arguments. Thanks to Deniz Adrian <email address hidden>.
                (Closes: #386150)
              ~ 110_remove_duplication_in_manpage_and_fix_a_path.patch: added to
                remove duplicate lines in the man page and to fix the path of the
                ICMP.txt file. Thanks to Olivier Macchioni <email address hidden>
                (Closes: #497793, #497797)
              ~ 120_update_homepage.patch: added to update the upstream homepage in
                program help and manpage.
              ~ 130_avoid_buffer_overflow.patch: added to avoid a buffer overflow
                and allows one to build using GCC hardening. (Closes: #807844)
      * debian/watch: created.
     -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <email address hidden>  Mon, 14 Dec 2015 00:35:18 -0200